By Richard John Stapleton, Ph.D, CTA

Unfortunately, I could not watch and hear the debate itself, having no access to TV in our home here in Bulloch County, Georgia, thanks to Hurricane Hellene, but, based on snatches of it I have read and seen, Vance won this battle in the USian Civil War of Ego States.A man with white hair and plaid shirt looking to his left.

His victory came about when Walz asked him if he thought the 2020 election was stolen from Trump. His response was a masterful act of lying by omission by not answering the question yes or no, while saying and implying how he did not care about such trivialities, or have time to think about such trivial things, being consumed with thinking about important things to do in the future.

Not only did he lie and get away with it, he psychologically made Walz out to be some sort of nincompoop for even asking about something as irrelevant as what he thought about something Trump said about the 2020 election, such as whether Vance thought the election was stolen from Trump.

How did Vance do it? He did it by controlling his ego states and his transactional vectors with what he did say, mostly irrelevant lies. He cathected a Nurturing Parent ego state by talking to Walz in a condescending polite way as if Walz were a poorly informed child, calling him  “Tim” in a friendly-sounding transactional vector directed from his Nurturing Parent ego state to Walz’s Adapted Child ego state, basically psychologically lecturing in a holier-than-thou way about the important things he was supposedly focused on, which was irrelevant bullshit in the context of the debate.

To which Walz then crossed Vance’s Parent—>Child transactional vector with an Adult ego state transactional vector transmitted to Vance’s Adult ego state using the words, “Now that was a damning non-answer.”  

Which for sure it was, but it was much more, and Walz, not being a transactional analyst, let Vance get away with his overall con Game. Walz could have said something like, “What the hell are you doing you damn fool, answer the goddamn question. Do you think you can lie like that and get away with that shit in front of millions of people on TV? Not only is it lying by omission, it’s an insult to all of us. You know damn well the election was not stolen from Trump.”

But no, Walz discounted the psychological Game, a variant of NIGYSOB, Now I’ve Got You, You SOB, and MINE’S BETTER, or Walz was oblivious to it.  And maybe it was best. He may have made matters worse had he responded using his Adult and Critical Parent ego states to seriously confront Vance’s lie of omission and attack his Nurturing Parent Ego State. It’s as if discounting and lying in USian politics are now not only OK but required if you want to impress supporters. Most political supporters like, even love in Trump’s case, mean-spirited callous liars, who show up wearing Critical Parent Ego States looking as if they’re cocky tough guys who know how to get things done. Many political supporters would agree with Trump that Harris and Walz are too clean-cut, moral, honest, and empathetic to be “smart” USian politicians.

Vance even cast aspersions on the CBS moderators for doing some fact-checking using his Critical Parent ego state, complaining they told him before the debate there would not be any fact-checking, psychologically accusing them of lying. Was this also a lie or was it fact? And does it matter?

Vance, on the other hand, does not always come across in public appearances and utterances like your standard angry rigid Critical Parent ideological patriarchal dictator. Almost always dressed in a suit and MAGA red tie, often wearing a red MAGA baseball cap, he has a tall bulky frame and body that is characteristic of stereotypical macho male patriarchal dictators, replete with a dark beard and apparently natural dark hair on the top of his head, but close-up pictures do not reveal this stereotypical macho persona/image. The man in his eyes and voice sometimes comes across as insecure and humble, a bit nervous, but intelligent, and to some extent gentle. 

Unfortunately, Vance is also “smart” enough to do what he is told to do by Trump (unlike the reviled and demeaned former Trumpian vice-president, Mike Pence, a FIJI fraternity brother of mine, a true USian hero, who saved our democratic way of life in the Washington Capitol Building January 6, 2021, by refusing to do what Trump told him to do, don’t approve the results of the 2020 presidential election, doing instead his constitutional duty, approving the results, for we the people) but Vance, unlike Trump, can think on his feet while constructing plausible-sounding if irrelevant false utterances in grammatically-correct compound sentences. And he comes across as young, unlike Walz, who comes across as a wise, moral, ethical, genial, empathetic, caring parent. Most alarming, Vance shows up at times wearing a Free Child ego state on his face, appearing to be light-hearted, joyous, maybe a little angelic, free of sin, like any good evangelical TV preacher.

Based on a quick Internet search, it seems to me Vance probably won the vice-president debate in the eyes of Trump’s base by a large margin and Walz might have won in the eyes of the Dem base. And according to one poll I saw it seems voters are still about equally split again, as usual, no doubt polarized along the same USian Red and Blue ideological and demographic ego state civil war battle lines, indicating, alas, that almost all of Trump’s Pied-Piper mesmerized Repug Adapted Child-Critical Parent cult members will vote for him again.

At first I thought Harris could easily defeat Trump this time because enough Trump supporters had had enough of Trump’s lies, crimes, and misogyny to decide not to vote for him again, and it looked at first that Vance might be a weird off-the-wall  male version of another Sarah Palin, or Dan Quayle, but he’s not. He’s not a dummy. He has a Yale law degree after all, which might not mean much, considering the inarticulate bumbling Repug USian president Bush II had a Yale degree of some sort, and Dems Bill and Hillary Clinton also had Yale law degrees.

Seems to me the major problem with USian politics, and probably politics everywhere, is that most voters care less about the real truth, what is really going on, than about said truth, what someone with “standing” merely says the truth is. Hell, many USians even believe somehow what the babbling incoherent Trump says. In other words, ego states, the way people say things, are more significant to most people than facts, data, evidence, and reasoning about what is really going on in the case at hand.

Most voters are more concerned about how politicians make them feel when they say things than they are with what they know after politicians say things, which is why Repugs are now attacking Harris and Walz over and over in TV advertising messages, paid for by their greedy rapacious power-mad corporate and elite rich overlords, out to get even more profit and wealth in their pockets with even more federal tax cuts and subsidies, now paying  Trump and Vance with dark money in the form of campaign contributions to make it happen—who are now using TV attack ads with no context costing millions of dollars to invade and flood millions of USian homes with pure propaganda and lies, assuming they now have TV service, if they were flooded with water and mud by Hurricane Hellene.

Politicians and preachers have similar scripts. Their job security and pay as leaders of their flocks depend more on their form than their substance.

Unfortunately, Vance and the Repug attack ads might have what it takes with voters to swing the election back to Trump, setting in motion a process that could cause the destruction of our USian democratic way of life in a few years. The first thing they will do if they get elected is start hiring Trump’s obedient loyal Adapted Child family members, cronies, lackeys, and knaves into positions of authority to run the departments of the US government, who will be “smart” enough to do what Trump tells them to do, creating in the process a despotic arbitrary chaotic ideological authoritarian fascist dictatorship, managing the US based on the nefarious personal predatory and exploitative ambitions and impulses of designated street gang leaders, using platitudes, dogmas, irrelevant scripts, and ideologies to justify their behavior and decisions.

They will do this because this is all they can do, since they will not have knowledge and expertise for dealing with the cases that will confront them in all the departments of government. Even if they wanted to, there is no way they could manage the country for the good of everyone, since they will not know how, and, regardless, not to worry, Trump will tell everyone from the top down what to do, using his supposedly-divine natural “stable genius” intellect.

What the US, and all countries around Spaceship Earth, need are decision processes that develop policies and procedures based on consensual answers based on knowing what is really going on around Spaceship Earth after rigorous dialectical group case discussions by democratic Game-free I’m OK—You’re OK Adult-Adult experts with serious training in all relevant fields of all departments of government.

Harris and Walz aren’t perfect, but we don’t have to worry about them enslaving us, and destroying our traditional USian democratic way of life, if they get elected November 5, 2024.

The bottom line is that Repugs use a lot more Critical Parent and Adapted Child ego state energy than Dems fighting in the USian ego state civil war, that has been going on for decades, and Dems use a lot more Nurturing Parent and Free Child energy fighting their battles in the ego state war than Repugs; and both Repugs and Dems need to bring this civil war to an end somehow as soon as possible by both parties using a lot more Adult ego state energy by reducing the energy they cathect and invest in Parent and Child ego state transactions playing their deleterious, sometimes hamartic, psychological Games in senseless wars, both foreign and domestic.







Richard John Stapleton, PhD, CTA would spin the spinner of his Classroom De-GAMER™ in his classes to randomly select a student at the beginning of each class session to lead a discussion of the case assigned for the day, a case taken from a planned or operating business prepared by case writers at Georgia Southern University, Harvard, Stanford, and the University of Alabama. He taught management systems, researched, published, and conducted a small business institute at Georgia Southern University thirty-five years, 1970-2005.

All case analyses entail considering three existential questions:


A man sitting at a table in front of a computer.

Whomever the spinner of the Classroom De-Gamer™ selected when it wound down after spinning by an imaginary line of fire extending from the point of the spinner to a class member sitting in the circle classroom layout would become the “Leader of the Moment” required to answer the three existential questions shown above laying out the case to all class members.

The purpose of the Classroom De-Gamer™ is to de-Game the playing of OK I’LL READ IT by students in which students psychologically tell teachers they will read the assigned homework but don’t. Randomly selecting a discussion leader insures that no student can psychologically think or feel that s/he is being picked on or favored by a teacher calling on someone to start a discussion, thereby banishing from the classroom the three psychological Game roles of Persecutor, Rescuer, and Victim.

The overall purpose of the Game-free I’m OK-You’re OK Adult-Adult democratic teaching and learning process is to produce comprehension of the relevant facts and focal points of the case among class members in order to create rational policies and strategies for successfully managing the states of affairs of the case. All humans have Adult ego states that can be cathected, even children at young ages.

Cathecting an ego state is turning on energy, cognition and emotion in the human psyche for transacting with fellow humans. There are three basic types of ego states that can be cathected: Parent, Adult, and Child.

A soft drink bottle as in playing the childhood game Spin the Bottle works about as well as a Classroom De-Gamer™ to randomly select the Leader of the Moment to answer the Three Existential Questions. No one can interrupt anyone once someone has the floor. Communicating overtly or covertly with individuals in the room for the whole session is not allowed. Anyone can respond to any speaker once the speaker has finished, disagreeing or agreeing with what was said, and may bring up another problem if appropriate in the context of the discussion.

How long should a discussion last? Long enough for group members to comprehend the system under consideration, a system including interrelations between relevant focal point entities of the system—relevant facts and issues comprising the problem, alternatives and recommendations.

According to R. Buckminster Fuller in his Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth (1969) comprehension of a system entails separating the relevant points from the irrelevant points in the system under consideration. It takes time to do this. According to Fuller, Comprehension = (N2-N) / 2, where N = Number of total focal point entities in the system, counting the number of focal point facts or issues and all the inter-relationships between the focal point entities.

Comprehension required and produced expands exponentially as the size of the system increases. One has to wonder if most Earthian systems today are ever fully comprehended by Earthian humans. Rather than most Earthian human systems being managed today based on comprehension in general they are managed based on dogmas, doctrines, rules, algorithms, scripts, and the like, many of which are irrelevant. As matters now stand about the best Earthian humans can hope for is that somehow the smartest, wisest, most knowledgeable, most ethical, and most empathetic Earthian humans somehow manage to become top leaders in major systems.

When most members of the discussion group seem to generally comprehend the system it is time to stop. Most paper cases in Stapleton’s classes of about 30 students took about one hour. Real cases and systems in your organizations and groups may take more or less time, perhaps several hourly sessions for one system. Stick with the discussion until most members have comprehended the relevant problems, alternatives, and recommendations of the system under consideration as best they can. In most cases this will produce a solution considered the most rational of alternatives for most members of the group, about the best that can be hoped for at present. Perhaps at some future date supercomputers will be able to comprehend large systems well enough to develop answers that are provably true.

Since all members of the group will not have been caused to develop the same pictures in their heads about what should be done in the case before the discussion starts, a high percentage of the discussants will learn in the discussion as they comprehend what is really going on that their initial conceptions were wrong, causing both unlearning and learning. Sometimes unlearning is more important than learning for creating better Earthian human states of affairs. Unlearning, in fact, might be what is now needed most in order for Earthian humans to develop peaceful and sustainable systems around Spaceship Earth.

Most discussants will not leave the discussions with the same mental pictures they started out with caused by the greater comprehension caused by the back and forth dialectical arguing caused by the Game-free I’m OK-You’re OK Adult-Adult democratic discussion process, proving both unlearning and learning happened.

Stapleton’s De-Gaming process insured that everyone would be relatively GAME-free transacting in class discussions. They all agreed to a learning contract at the outset of the course that they would read assigned cases and would be graded on the quantity and quality of ideas sold in the class market. Anyone caught obviously unprepared by the spinning De-GAMER would lose a whole letter grade from the course grade. No one could feel or think that s/he was being Persecuted or Rescued as a Victim if selected to start the class discussion of the day by the Classroom De-GAMER. The psychological GAME Drama Triangle roles of Persecutor, Rescuer, and Victim were largely eliminated from the course learning process. The actual grades received-A’s, B’s, C’s, D’s, and F’s-were relative grades, not absolute grades, Excellent, Good, Average, Poor, and Failing relative to the class. There were no numbers ostensibly proving what percentage of the course knowledge was retained in memory for so-called objective exams.

Stapleton sat in the same circle in the same kind of chair as students, and the De-GAMING rules also applied to him. If the Classroom De-GAMER landed on him he had to lay out the case just like any other student and discuss what was the problem, what were the alternatives, and what he recommended.

Grades were based eighty percent on class participation in dialectical discussions about what to do about problems and opportunities found in cases; the rest of the final grade was based on two case write-ups. One write-up was about what the student observed, researched, analyzed, and wrote about an existing business in the local environment or a business plan the student created. The other write-up was an analysis of a case researched and written by professors about a business assigned as the final exam. Cases used in his courses contained processes, problems, opportunities, and data occurring in all functional areas of business such as entrepreneurship, finance, marketing, operations management, control, management information systems, and business policy and strategy.

Stapleton published refereed journal articles and books explaining how his democratic GAME-free Adult-Adult I’m OK-You’re OK case method system works, by banishing Persecutors, Rescuers, and Victims playing psychological GAMES from the teaching and learning process, first documented in an article titled the Classroom De-GAMER™ he published in 1978 in the Transactional Analysis Journal. He has published seven books and over one hundred articles in various media containing cases, research data, and essays on teaching and learning and management systems, policies, and practices.

He learned and trained using transactional analysis with Martin Groder, MD; Graham Barnes, PhD; Vann Joines, PhD; and many others at the Southeast Institute at Chapel Hill, North Carolina (1975-1978).

Learned how the Harvard  Business School case method works teaching with Bernard Bienvenu, DBA and Rexford Hauser, DBA, Harvard Business School doctorates, at the University of Louisiana-Lafayette in 1969-70.

Has a BS in economics (1962), an MBA in organizational behavior (1966), and a PhD in management science (1969) from Texas Tech University, and an organizational and educational certification in transactional analysis (CTA) from the International Transactional Analysis Association (1978).

Taught his own case method track at the undergraduate level in the management department in the business school at Georgia Southern University offering four or five different elective case method courses each academic year during 1970-2005 in which he led, coordinated, and graded about twenty-five or so students every year who took all or most of those case method courses in their junior and senior years, of about two hundred students who signed up for all his courses every year. He used a democratic circle or amphitheater classroom layout in all his classes. He also taught most semesters two sections of a capstone integrative business policy course that included moral and ethical issues as well as planning, organizing, directing, and controlling issues he added to the business school curriculum in 1970 that was required for all undergraduate business majors that could be elected by any student in any major.  He was the only professor in the business school to use the case method in any course.

Class members agreed to a course learning contract that stipulated they would read the facts of the case before class and would lose a whole letter grade from the course final grade if the De-GAMER randomly caught them obviously not having read the case before class, if they had not slipped a note under his office door before class telling him they had not read the case, which they could do twice during the course without penalty.

About ten percent of his students made A’s and about five percent made D’s. Most made C’s, which is about right, since C = Average. There were few F’s in his courses. The main criterion for course grades was the quantity and quality of ideas sold by students in case method discussions. He used peer ratings to give students feedback showing what their fellow students thought about the quantity and quality of their ideas sold in class, having made it clear the final decision about final grades was his. He did not believe in Lake Wobegon grading.

No student was ever forced to take one of his courses to graduate, and the most hardened GAME-players in the school did not sign up for his courses after he issued his Edict of 1972 in which he clearly spelled out in his syllabi the penalty for getting caught unprepared. His Classroom De-Gamer™ was roundly discussed by students in bull sessions across campus every year and was labeled various things, such as The Wheel of Fate and The Death Wheel. Most students near the end of his career simply called it The Spinner.

He appreciated Georgia Southern honoring his academic freedom by allowing him control of his teaching methods, classroom layouts, grading procedures, and course books, cases, and materials, some of which he researched, wrote, and published. He was promoted to full professor with tenure at age thirty-six and was the senior professor of the university the academic year he retired in 2005.

He solicited anonymous longitudinal research data using questionnaires in 1992 showing his case method students during 1972-1982 reported higher yearly incomes in 1992 than students electing the same courses in 1972-1982 taught by professors using the authoritarian lecture method and the militaristic row and column classroom layout, who graded students based on memorizing or calculating “right answers” for tests, indicating learners learning in Adult-Adult I’m OK-You’re OK GAME-free democratic learning processes graded subjectively became more successful in the real world of business than learners lectured to and graded using Parent-Child transactions, row and column classroom layouts, and so-called objective tests.  

Only former students who had worked in the real world of business ten or more years after graduating from the Georgia Southern business school were included in the study. The data are shown, analyzed, and discussed in full in “Evidence the Case Method Works” published in his book Business Voyages: Mental Maps, Scripts, Schemata, and Tools for Discovering and Co-Constructing Your Own Business Worlds, 2008, pg. 475. The data were also used in several refereed articles.

See also Stapleton, R.J. (1979a, April). “The classroom de-gamer.” Transactional Analysis Journal. 9(2), 145-146;  Stapleton, R.J. (1989-1990). “Academic entrepreneurship: Using the case method to simulate competitive business markets.” Organizational Behavior Teaching Review. Vol. XIV, No. IV, pp. 88-104; Stapleton, R.J., Murkison, G., and Stapleton, D.C. (1993). “Feedback regarding a game-free case method process used to educate general management and entrepreneurship students.” Proceedings of the 1993 Annual Meeting of the Southeast CHAPTER of the Institute for Management Science. Myrtle Beach, SC, October, 1993; and Stapleton, R. J. and Stapleton, D.C. (1998), “Teaching Business Using the Case Method and Transactional Analysis: A Constructivist Approach,” Transactional Analysis Journal, 28, No. 2: 157-167

Ancient Greeks used a similar random-selection democratic process in the Third Century BCE to select leaders of political discussions, learning, and policy formulation in their halls of government. Such a process is called sortition.

For more information on related classroom management ethical issues in universities see Stapleton, R.J. and Murkison, G. (2001), “Optimizing the fairness of student evaluations: A study of correlations between instructor excellence, study production, learning production, and expected grades,” in the Journal of Management Education, 25(3), 269-292.

He had one of the lowest student grade point averages among professors in the business school and was one of the lowest-ranked professors as an instructor on computerized campus-wide student evaluations that weighted only instructor excellence scores up to 2000; but he was one of the highest-ranked professors in a computerized student evaluation system he designed that generated data also showing and weighting study production, learning production, and expected grades scores for each professor, published in “Optimizing the Fairness of Student Evaluations.”

To read the Optimizing Fairness article in full, go to . After this research was published, Georgia Southern in 2001 added study production, learning production, and expected grades questions to the student evaluation form used campus-wide.

“Optimizing the Fairness of Student Evaluations” has by now (October 3, 2024) been cited as a reference in 91 refereed journal articles concerned about the ethics and fairness of student evaluations in several academic disciplines, including 23 new citations since April 2021, two since 2023, proving the article is still being read and used.

As the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein propositioned in his book Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, “The case is all there is.”

If so, everything else said about Earthian human states of affairs is a rendition of what was or might be.

His latest book is As the Rooster Crows Earthian OKness Increases.

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