Recent Post

August 27, 2016
Why Obama Wants to Get the TPP Passed

When Obama first ran for president in 2007 he told us he was out to improve the plight of we the people, not the corporations and the elite rich.

For a while after he got elected it seemed he did intend to fulfill his promise, and maybe he tried, but he has done little good. There is scant evidence now he has done anything that has appreciably helped we the people. In general he has been a much better president than Bush II, the worst in my lifetime. He has not done something as stupid as start a war like the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, but he has not done much to curtail our military activities benefiting the military-industrial establishment. Continue reading “Recent Post”

The Root of our Troubles

September 20, 2016
As I alluded to in my Stapleton Gallery post on my Facebook page most of the United States’s economic troubles in recent years have been caused by dysfunctional political systems. In order to get elected politicians have to raise money from the rich who demand lower taxes in return. Lower taxes for the rich have prevented using fiscal policies such as infrastructure projects to create good jobs and stimulate economies, forcing the Federal Reserve system to use monetary policies attempting to stimulate economies and create good jobs, which has not worked very well.

After creating trillions of digital monetary units by simply typing digits into computerized bank accounts and calling it money, and then “lending” this “money” to banks, traders and corporations at very low interest rates, what the Federal Reserve mainly accomplished was to inflate stock markets and bond markets, enriching some of the rich, but not helping the citizens needing good jobs very much.

The bottom line: the United States needs better voters who will elect better politicians who will vote in the interests of all voters and citizens. Unfortunately there are scant signs this will happen any time soon.