THE EARTHIAN, Number Twenty-Four, July 28, 2021, Effective Learning Publications, 32 East Main Street, Statesboro, Georgia, USA,  Richard John Stapleton, PhD, CTA, Writer, Editor & Publisher   

THE EARTHIAN is a digest of articles containing facts, perspectives, theories, models, analyses, and recommendations concerned about existential states of affairs affecting all species of fauna and flora around Spaceship Earth. Recent relevant articles written and published by intelligent hard-hitting truth-seeking writers in Internet journals about psychological, social, economic, political, military, religious, and ecological states of affairs around Spaceship Earth are linked and posted below as sources.

To comment about this issue of The Earthian in general or any article included please scroll to the top of this page and click on the prompt for ELR Editor’s Daily Shares. Write your comment either at the top of the editor’s Facebook page or at the bottom of the specific article you are thinking about which has been shared on the Facebook page.


Individuals Are Not to Praise or Blame for How Earthian Economic, Social, and Political States of Affairs Evolve

By Richard John Stapleton

European immigrants in North America had a natural economic advantage from the 1600s up to about 1980 producing agricultural and industrial products because of where the territory they conquered is situated around Spaceship Earth, at the best latitudes and longitudes, on a Goldilocks spot of Earth, sheltered by two wide oceans from aggressive foreign enemies. Temperatures and fertile soils on that spot of Earthian territory were amenable to growing almost anything, and there was lots of soil to till, after it was expropriated from its native inhabitants by military force.

Excessive population growth in Europe and elsewhere insured a steady supply of land-hungry immigrants willing and able to move farther and farther west to farm new land as it was cleared of Indians, in what became known as the United States of America, however godless, immoral, and unethical this process might have been, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Surplus production of crops such as tobacco and cotton were in high demand in Europe and elsewhere, generating cash cow exports generating lucrative international trade cash inflows for USian planters, entrepreneurs, bankers, and traders, causing high growth rates in the USian economy, giving free USians of all socioeconomic classes competitive advantages relative to their counterparts in Europe and elsewhere.

African slavery in the South facilitated increased cotton production at relatively low cost. USian slaves had no wages or competitive advantages, giving USian cotton farmers owning slaves a cost advantage in international trade. The westward expansion of agriculture in both the South and the North of the US created demand for industrial products of all sorts, especially tractors after the development of the internal combustion engine around 1900.

USian territory was also advantaged in the Great Lakes region and the Ohio Valley for iron and steel production. Iron ore was plentiful in Minnesota and there was plenty of coal in Kentucky. Heavy loads of iron ore and coal could be floated on barges in lakes, rivers, and canals in the region to iron and steel mills and their heavy output could be floated to factories producing tractors, trucks, automobiles, plows, wheat threshers, railroad rails, train engines and cars, and what have you, at relatively low cost.

The farm land was relatively easy to take from Indians and relatively cheap when bought by farmers. While there were farmers who failed because of bad luck, weather, diseases, and what have you, USian agriculture winning in international markets was almost a certainty because of production and cost advantages.

The advent of trains, tractors, and automobiles by 1900 created enormous demand for gasoline, oil, grease, and coal, and USian territory was well stocked with coal and oil deposits in the ground that was relatively easy to mine and pump out, in coal mines in West Virginia, Kentucky and elsewhere, and from oil fields in Pennsylvania, Texas, Oklahoma, and elsewhere.

Consequently, the USian economy itself was a slam dunk winner from about 1900 to 1980, finding itself in an almost impossible-to-lose position in international trade and competition, thanks to sheer historical geographic good luck, with relatively high wages, salaries, and profits for most USians compared to their counterparts in Europe and elsewhere. Happy Days were here, for most USians considered white, and for some USians considered non-white.

Because of these eventualities, a large percentage of USians began to feel and think they were inherently superior to other humans around Earth, feeling and thinking they somehow caused their incomes to be relatively high by virtue of having superior religious beliefs, morals, ethics, intelligence, and abilities, and because of working harder than others.

USians in 2021 are no longer the luckiest humans aboard Spaceship Earth. They are no longer accidentally and inevitably better off economically than others because of natural geographic phenomena and causes. A higher percentage of  Earthian countries have industrialized, creating formidable competition; USian industrial jobs have been sent to low-wage countries; USian factories have been shuttered; USian irrigation wells have been pumped almost dry in several states; USian oil wells have about been pumped dry, no longer guaranteeing USians relatively cheap energy; USian exports of agricultural and industrial products no longer have natural cost advantages in global markets; the US is more dependent internally on relatively expensive car, truck, and airplane transportation systems than other countries, creating a cost disadvantage.     

What’s the answer?

USians believing they’re naturally superior and deserving and believing electing fascist political leaders can make the US great again is not the answer. Believing the US will again get its hands on almost limitless supplies of cheap land and natural resources is not the answer. Believing large USian corporations will bring their industrial factories back to the US and pay wages in the US several times higher than those of workers in industrial factories sited in low-wage countries around Spaceship Earth is not the answer. The above is magical thinking with little or no chance of happening.

Some possible survival answers include learning to live consuming less raw material per capita, producing only one child per woman to reduce the necessity for resource depletion, developing green energy sources, constructing housing and transportation systems that require less energy for each human served, humans doing some organic gardening producing some food in their yards, humans sewing some of their own clothes.

A case can be made that most USians past the age of thirty have been spoiled and poorly scripted by inevitable historical accidents, having had no idea how relatively well-off they were economically compared to others around Spaceship Earth, caused by historical accidents caused by inevitable cause-effect evolution.

A case can also be made that Earthians should worry about befuddled discombobulated sad, scared, and mad USians deciding humans different from them living aboard Spaceship Earth are to blame for their lowered social positions and impoverished economic circumstances, since they might blame different others so much they decide to hate, revile, scapegoat, sanction, incarcerate, disappear, and bomb them.  

If all effects have causes, and if feelings, thoughts, decisions, and behaviors are effects, then such phenomena were caused, and free will, a non-caused effect, does not exist. If so, as a consolation, Earthian humans can hope inexorable unbroken infinitely-regressive and progressive cause-effect chains, that cannot be changed or stopped by Earthian humans of any country, however superior and/or heroic they might think or say they are, will cause at least minimally OK states of affairs to indefinitely happen for all Earthians. 

A bitter pill for most people to swallow postulated in my books Business Voyages and Born to Learn is that everything that happens is either predetermined or accidental and therefore no one is to blame or praise. Believing and acting otherwise will perpetuate the same sorry I’m OK–You’re Not OK life position that has bedeviled humankind since time immemorial.

For more information regarding my use of Transactional Analysis  to create better discussion groups and democratic processes read my book Born to Learn:  A Transactional Analysis of Human Learning. 

For more information on how to co-construct better organizations and economic systems using transactional analysis read my book   Business Voyages:  Mental Maps, Scripts, Schemata, and Tools for Co-Constructing Your Own Business Worlds

Read my article “The Evolution of Spaceship Earth, Inc,”   for some management science ideas on how human Earthians might eventually co-construct an economic system that is viable and satisfying for everyone aboard Spaceship Earth, making it possible for all Earthian humans to develop an I’m OK–You’re OK life position. 

This entails Earthians peacefully reducing through natural attrition the human population aboard Spaceship Earth, never doing work that machines can do better, and delegating the day-to-day management of systems for scheduling, producing, and distributing the necessities of life to artificial intelligence programs and supercomputers.

This is possible based on the general algorithmic matrix algebra form

Max CjXj, s.t. AijXj ≤, =, or ≥ Bi

as I explained in “The Evolution of Spaceship Earth, Inc.”  

Flying aboard an airliner about to land at night moving at four hundred miles an hour at thirty thousand feet with cloudy and rainy weather below, which would you rather have landing the plane, the plane’s radar and computer system or the pilot and co-pilot, seeing nothing out their windows but clouds and lightning?

The main reason however why turning over the scheduling, production, and distribution of the necessities of life to AI robots and magnum computers is that they do not get greedy and power hungry or play psychological Games. Thus far in human history most leaders atop large organizations such as countries, large corporations, and big banks have become corrupt one way or another playing psychological Games acting out their selfish ego trips, hogging all the power and money they could get their hands on for themselves and their cronies. AI robots and computers are not egotistical.

I am indebted to Buckminster Fuller for teaching me in his book Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth the airplane-landing metaphor in the above paragraph and for planting seeds for other ideas in my essay “The Evolution of Spaceship Earth, Inc.,” such as computers being the best hope for mankind and humans not doing work machines can do better, being paid to think instead with what Fuller called mind grants. Fuller said unemployment all around Spaceship Earth could be eliminated overnight with mind grants. To my knowledge Fuller was the inventor of the appellations Earthian and Spaceship Earth.   

For details regarding my transactional analysis and management science qualifications see my RJS Academic Vita at .   

If you have ideas on how to democratically discuss in Game-free ways economic and political problems and opportunities in something like the Ogeechee Economic Forum go to our RESPONSES page and let us know about them at .

I do not sell subscriptions or advertising or solicit donations for THE EARTHIAN or the EFFECTIVE LEARNING REPORT but I would like to sell more books. If you feel you’ve gained value from THE EARTHIAN and would like to reciprocate, go to our Effective Learning Publications page and purchase one or more copies of my books at .

FOR A FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO THE EFFECTIVE LEARNING REPORT AND THE EARTHIAN: Email [email protected] and type the word Subscription on the subject line.     

Feel free to forward, share, post, print, or otherwise circulate this edition of The Earthian any way you see fit.  

Born to Learn has not been a best seller but it has had some impact as this review in the Texas Tribune implies at . A German orthopedic surgeon discounted the book with a customer review at at lowering the book from a five star to a three star Amazon rating. The orthopedic doctor said I did not “come across” like a real transactional analyst and the book promised more than it delivered. Seems to me the Kirkus review in the Texas Tribune in this post is fair and accurate. Both reviews comment on admittedly a debatable issue with Born to Learn: Is the book useful only for teachers and students in classrooms or for all teachers and learners, including parents and children in homes, bosses and employees in businesses, preachers and Sunday school teachers and members in churches? Is it useful for leaders and members in all kinds of groups and organizations, civic clubs, chambers of commerce, street gangs, military units, and governments? I say it can be useful in all organizations and groups and can help increase human OKness. Read both reviews above for yourself and write a review of Born to Learn: A Transactional Analysis of Human Learning. The more reviews the better.


July 28, 2021

Say it aint so Joe

“Academentia: the Organization Insanity of the Modern University,” by Thomas Kilkauer and Meg Young, COUNTERPUNCH,

July 28

Hard to believe

“Healthcare parasites are sucking Americans dry,” by Thom Hartmann, INTREPID REPORT,  

July 28     

Edward Snowden is no dummy

“The Insecurity Industry: The greatest danger to national security has become the companies that claim to protect it,” by Edward Snowden, SUBSTACK.COM,  

July 27, 2021

Well said  

“The Collapse of the American Empire,” by Chris Hedges, COMMONDREAMS.ORG,

July 26

Say it is so Joe

“Inside Bezos–a five-year old boy–outside, a cunning extraterrestrial…,” by Ralph Nader, INTREPID REPORT,

July 26

Heck of a note

“Opinion: Big losses ahead for markets? Jeremy Grantham’s terrifying new forecasts,” Jeremy Grantham, MARKETWATCH.COM,

July 26

Pathetic and sickening, making it easy to see why thousands of returning vets are committing suicide

“In Pre-Sentencing Letter, Drone Whistleblower Daniel Hale Says Crisis of Conscience Motivated Leak,” by Brett Wilkins, COMMONDREAMS.ORG,

July 24


“The Return of Logging Without Laws,” by Adam Rissien, COUNTERPUNCH,

July 24

When push comes to shove

“Brazil, Amazon, World: Part Two,” by Jean Wyllys and Julie Wark, COUNTERPUNCH,

July 23

This woman’s from Australia

“The US is the absolute worst: Notes from the Edge of the Narrative Matrix,” by Caitlin Johnstone, INTREPID REPORT,

July 23

Adventures of a smart bum

“The Beast that Kills the Beauty,” by Ron Jacobs, COUNTERPUNCH,

July 23

Say it aint so Joe

“American Psychosis,” by John Clamp, COUNTERPUNCH,

July 23

Showing his true colors

“Biden Promised Diplomacy, But He’s Overseeing Military Buildup Against China,” by Ann Wright, TROUTHOUT,

July 23

Since when was there a real debt limit? More bullshit, smoke, and mirrors in the USian presidency, congress, treasury dept, and Federal Reserve system. The only real debt limit is when the USian govt and the Federal Reserve System can no longer meet the government’s payroll for the govt’s military and civil servant employees, stops making its loan repayments to the USian Social Security System, and stops bailing out the USian deep state by purchasing non-market military products and inflated investment assets in manipulated stock and bond markets.

“How Much Of A Risk Is The Coming Debt Limit,” by Tyler Durden, ZEROHEDGE,

July 22

Right. What is a fair share of taxes, not to mention a fair share of deficit spending for the US military and other budget items paid for by treasury debt purchased with funny money created from thin air by the Federal Reserve system?

“No One Has a ‘Fair Share’ of Taxes,” by Brian McGlinchey, STARK REALITIES,

July 22


“Virginia Volvo Strikers Narrowly Approve New Contract,” by Kenneth Surin, COUNTERPUNCH,

July 22

On the road to fascism in the US

“When the Sh*t Hit the Fan: Recalling the 1970s,” by David Rossen, COUNTERPUNCH,

July 22

Sad state of affairs

“Holding Onto the Cold War,” by Melvin Goodman, COUNTERPUNCH,

July 21

Yes, there are side effects environmentally caused by electric cars such as mining for rare minerals to make batteries, but most Earthian humans seem oblivious to the fact electric cars are not a free lunch to solve the global warming problem. Why? Because electricity humans access by plugging a cord into an electrical outlet to recharge an electric car battery probably requires the burning of fossil fuel to generate the electricity fed into the car battery, offsetting any environmental improvements made by not driving fossil fueled internal combustion engine cars. I am not sure about the net result here, having never read a definitive article on it, but there are environmental pluses and minuses of all sorts comparing electric and internal combustion engine cars. If Earthian humans should completely switch from internal combustion engines to electric motors in cars, if new ways of generating electricity are not developed, such as by using hydrogen fusion reactors, it may take as much or more fossil fuel to keep on driving with electric cars as internal combustion engine cars. It takes energy to make energy, and it might take more energy to make enough usable energy to power cars, trucks, and innumerable other internal combustion contraptions with electricity than gasoline. In other words, what are Earthian humans going to burn to make the new electric energy to power cars, trucks, etc. in the first place? Mostly coal? Whoopee. A lot of energy is required not only to make usable energy but to transport usable energy, whether through electric highline wires or by trucks, trains, and pipelines. A lot of energy is lost through resistance in electric transmission wires. Mainstream media are not painting an accurate picture regarding these states of affairs, leaving most Earthian humans as usual to live in their dream worlds. Electric cars are not a panacea at this time.

“California’s electric car revolution, designed to save the planet, also unleashes a toll on it,” by Evan Helper, YAHOO!NEWS,

July 21

First time I recall this happening

“Wildfires in US blowing ‘so much smoke’ into East Coast,” by Gillian Flaccus and Sara Cline, APNEWS.COM,

July 20

Yes, let Cuba live

“If You Grew Up With the U.S. Blockade as a Cuban, You Might Understand the Recent Protests Differently,” by Manolo De Los Santos and Vijay Prashad, COUNTERPUNCH.

July 20

How about just facing up to the truth, grieving, and going on from there, doing what has to be done, hoping for the best?

“Needed urgently! New US national myth,” by Eric Walberg, INTREPID REPORT,

July 20

Say it aint so Joe

“Scenario for US & NATO invasion of Crimea and origins of American hatred,” by John Stanton, INTREPID REPORT,

July 20

This was news to me

“Robotic Killing Machines and Our Future: Chris Pratt, Aliens, and Drones,” by Matthew Hoh, COUNTERPUNCH,

July 20

The same being true with Trump in the US

“The Greatest Threat to Britain Isn’t China or Russia, It’s Boris Johnson,” by Patrick Cockburn, COUNTERPUNCH,

July 20

What right do lawmakers have to cram their beliefs about abortions down the throats of USian citizens who do not believe it?

“If the Supreme Court Overturns ‘Roe v. Wade,’ It will Impact Us All,” by Kia Guarino & Tara Romano, TRUTHOUT,

July 20

Say left wing extremists did it

“Our rulers have all the power and none of the responsibility,” by Caitlin Johnstone, INTREPID REPORT,

July 18

Does it always happen this way when push comes to shove? Fascists take over regardless of the political and economic system the country professes to use, whether it be monarchy, democracy, communism, socialism, capitalism, or a hybrid?

“My Heart Aches for Cuba–and I Yearn for More Solidarity From the Global Left,” by Odette Casamayor-Cisneros, TRUTHOUT,

July 16

The long arm of the law

“Trump’s former CFO resigned too late to shield his ex-boss,” by Katie S. Phang, MSNBC Opinion Columnist, MSNBC,

July 15

Hard to imagine alright

“Imagine a Nation Like This,” by Paul Street, COUNTERPUNCH,

July 13

Hate to hear it

“Cornel West says in resignation letter over tenure dispute that Harvard is in ‘decline and dedcay’,” by Timothy Bella and Susan Surluga, THE WASHINGTON POST,

July 13

Say it aint so Joe

“Assange To Be ‘Moved Around’ Sine Die,” by Ray McGovern, INFORMATION CLEARING HOUSE,

July 12


“Biden regime escalates war on Russia and China by other means,” by Stephen Landman, INTREPID REPORT,

July 12

Hard question to answer

“Why America Can’t Have ‘Nice Things”,” by Thom Hartmann, COUNTERPUNCH,

July 12

Afraid he’s right

“A World of Total Illusion and Fantasy: Noam Chomsky on the Future of the Planet,” by Robert Hunziker, COUNTERPUNCH,

July 12


“Cryptocurrency May Wreak Havoc on Economy–Especially on People With No Assets,” by Sam Knight, TRUTHOUT,

July 12

Say it aint so Joe

“Suspected Assassins of Haitian President Moise Trained by US, Linked to Pro-Coup Oligarchy,” by Dan Cohen, MINT PRESS NEWS,  

July 10

Say it aint so Joe

“From Iowa Nice to Iowa Nazi: A Report from the Friendly Fascist Heartland,” by Paul Street, COUONTERPUNCH,

Juy 10


“Was it Just? America and Her Suicidal Combat Veterans,” by Matthew Hoh, COUNTERPUNCH,

July 9

Born to Learn: A Transactional Analysis of Human Learning by Richard John Stapleton was featured in “20 Great Indie Books Worth Your Time,” in Kirkus Reviews, VOL. LXXXV, NO 21, 1 November 2017, Page 130:

“Illuminating if quirky at times; insightful eye-opening observations about the interplay of teachers and students in the classroom. A refresher course in Transactional Analysis emphasizes its application in the classroom.”

Born to Learn has not been a best seller but it has had some impact as this post in the Texas Tribune shows. A German orthopedic surgeon discounted the book with a customer review at and slowed sales down, lowering it from a five star to a three star rating. The orthopedic doctor said I (Richard) did not “come across” like a real transactional analyst and the book title promised more than it delivered. Seems to me this Kirkus review in the Texas Tribune is fair and generally accurate. Both reviews admittedly touch on a debatable issue with the book: Is the book beneficial only with teachers and students in schools or with all teachers and learners, parents and children in homes, bosses and employees in businesses, preachers and Sunday school teachers and members in churches, and with leaders and members in all groups and organizations, including boy and girl clubs, civic clubs, Chambers of Commerce, military units, and governments? I say Born to Learn applies in all organizations and groups that teach and learn and can increase human OKness in general.…/bookshelf-oct-26-2016/…

“Born to Learn: A Transactional Analysis of Human Learning,” Kirkus Reviews, TEXAS TRIBUNE,

July 8

Great grandparents leading up to all four of my (Richard’s) grandparents from Virginia before the American Revolution owned farms and ranches, mostly cotton farms, on land recently conquered from Indians, in South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, North Carolina, Tennessee, Mississippi, New Mexico, and Texas. All four of my grandparents were reared on cotton farms owned by their parents in Mississippi and Texas. I had two uncles who were cotton farmers near where I grew up in Texas. My parents owned a cotton farm I lived on up to age four near Wolfforth, Texas in Northwest Texas. One of my ancestors, a distant cousin, Dabney Herndon Maury, a West Point graduate and an army general fighting for the South, published a book titled Recollections of a Virginian in the Mexican, Indian, and Civil Wars. And, yes, some of my ancestors owned slaves, not something to be proud of, but there’s nothing I can do about it now. I am working on another book tentatively titled Evolution of a Professor Surrounded by Cotton Fields.

“Cotton and Conquest: How the Plantation System Acquired Texas,” by Roger C. Kennedy, AMAZON.COM,

July 3

Never knew this before

“Manchin Has Made Millions From Coal Sales Since Joining the Senate,” David Moore, Sludge, TRUTHOUT,

July 3

What next? How bad can it get?

“A Remarkable Silence: Media Blackout After Key Witness Against Assange Admits Lying,” MEDIA LENS,

July 3

Say it aint so Joe

“Freedom Rider: The terrible origins of July 4th,” by Margaret Kimberley, INTREPID REPORT,

July 3

USian fascists win another victory on the road to full blown fascism in the US

“Supreme Court Drives a Stake Through the Heart of the Voting Rights Act,” by Marjorie Cohn, TRUTHOUT,

July 3


“More Than 72 Million Americans Are Living Paycheck to Paycheck,” by Tyler Durden, ZEROHEDGE,

July 3

Is Eve right on again?

“Native Genocide, Native Liberation,” by Eve Ottenberg, COUNTERPUNCH,

July 3

Afraid Street’s right again

“The Resistance Remains Hollow: The Weimar Ways of the Dismal Democrats,” by Paul Street, COUNTERPUNCH,

July 2.

What little USian and Earthian history I was exposed to in public school in the 1950s was a joke. No discussions, no nothing about why states of affairs happened, just dates of events and names of people in power to be memorized for so-called objective tests. Dull and dry stuff, explaining nothing.

“What Our Schools Actually Distort,” by Glenn Sacks, COUNTERPUNCH,

June 29

The true story about the Assange Case

“FBI Fabrication Against Assange Falls Apart,” by Craig Murray, CRAIGMURRAY.ORG.UK,

July 1


“Dozens of Sudden Deaths Reported as Canada Heat His a Record 121 Degrees,” by Jake Johnson, Common Dreams,

June 30

Not weird, but creepy. The USian mainstream media have long decided to back up the narrative of the USian govt that Julian Assange is a bad guy who made them look bad with truth telling about their war crime secrets in the Mideast on Wikileaks leaked by Chelsea Manning, and therefore he deserves to be silenced and/or imprisoned forever regardless of international law.

“The weird, creepy media blackout on recent Assange revelations,” by Caitlin Johnstone, INTREPID REPORT,

June 26

Xi is possibly the most efficient and effective top leader on the Earthian political stage today, despite his weaknesses mentioned in this post. It seems however he is following the same cause-effect path to ruin of past top leaders on the Earthian stage–getting greedy for personal power and fame, allowing his personal egotism to offset the good he has done, which is why computer programs and AI robots are needed at the top of large political and economic organizations around Spaceship Earth. In a word, computer technology and AI robots are not egotistical.

“Xi’s Gamble,” by Jude Blanchette, FOREIGN AFFAIRS,

June 28


“Biden’s Lawless Bombing of Iran and Syria Only Serves The Weapons Industry Funding Both Parties,” Glenn Greenwald, Substack, ZEROHEADGE,

June 23

Ominous indeed

“The Republican Party has Turned Fascist and is Now the Most Dangerous Threat in the World,” by Patrick Cockburn, COUNTERPUNCH,

June 18

Let us grieve this does not happen in the US of A

“The United States Threatens

“In Washington, the dismissal of the justices did not sit well with the White House. Vice-President Kamala Harris, who oversees the working group in migration, which is exploring the causes of Central American migration and the problems of the Northern Triangle (El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala), issued a warning about the Biden administration’s reaction to the undermining of democracy and its institutions by Bukele and his deputies.

“This weekend, we learned that the Salvadoran Assembly moved to undermine its nation’s highest court,” she said on May 4 at a Washington DC conference on democracy in the Americas. “An independent judiciary is critical to a healthy democracy and a strong economy. On this front, on every front, we must respond.” She went on to say, “We are focused on attacking the causes and the roots of migration and among the roots we have identified corruption, impunity, the lack of good governance.”

Yeah, right, The best way to stop illegal immigration from Central and South America into North America is to help countries down there become decent law abiding countries, and the USian govt cannot do that by undermining the rule of law in those countries.

“Power and Corruption in El Salvador,” by Carmen Rodriguez, COUNTERPUNCH,

June 9

Good ole peace loving US of A

“Even the New York Times Now Admits That It’s US Sanctions, not Socialism, That’s Destroying Venezuela,” by Peter Bolton, COUNTERPUNCH,

FOR A FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO THE EFFECTIVE LEARNING REPORT AND THE EARTHIAN: Email [email protected] and type the word Subscription on the subject line.     

Feel free to forward, share, post, print, or otherwise circulate this edition of The Earthian any way you see fit.

About the Editor  

Here’s Richard John Stapleton, PhD, CTA in his office at Georgia Southern University the year he retired in 2005, the senior professor of the university that year. The photo was shot by Lori Grice, a former student, founder of Lori Grice Photography. The object under his left hand is a Classroom De-Gamer™ he invented in 1978.

A man sitting at a table in front of a computer.


The spinner was spun in Stapleton’s classes to randomly select a student at the beginning of each class session to lead a discussion of the case assigned for that day, a case taken from a real business prepared by case writers at Georgia Southern, Harvard, Stanford, and the University of Alabama. Grades were based eighty percent on class participation; the rest of the final grade was based on case write-ups.

He learned how the case method works teaching with Bernard Bienvenu, DBA and Rexford Hauser, DBA (Harvard Business School doctorates) at what is now known as the University of Louisiana–Lafayette in 1969-70. 

He has published refereed journal articles and books explaining how his democratic Game-free Adult-Adult I’m OK–You’re OK case method system works, by banishing Persecutors, Rescuers, and Victims playing psychological Games from the teaching and learning process, first documented in an article titled “The Classroom De-Gamer” he published in 1978 in the Transactional Analysis Journal.

He studied TA with Martin Groder, MD; Graham Barnes, PhD; Vann Joines, PhD; and many others at the Southeast Institute at Chapel Hill, North Carolina (1975-1978).

He has degrees in economics, organizational behavior, and management science from Texas Tech University (1962-1969), and an organizational and educational certification in transactional analysis from the International Transactional Analysis Association (1978).

He had his own case method track at the undergraduate level in the business school at Georgia Southern University taught by him alone in the management department, four or five different elective case method courses offered each academic year (1970-2005), in which he led, coordinated, and graded twenty-five or so students each year who took all or most of those case method courses in their junior and senior years, of about two hundred students who signed up for all of his courses each year, using a democratic circle or amphitheater classroom layout. He also taught most semesters two sections of a case method capstone integrative business policy course he added to the business school curriculum in 1970 that was required for all undergraduate business majors that could be elected by any student in any major. He was the only professor in the business school to use the case method in this core curriculum required integrative capstone course for graduating seniors.

He conducted primary survey research in 1992 that discovered longitudinal data (published in “Evidence the Case Method Works” in his book Business Voyages: Mental Maps, Scripts, Schemata, and Tools for Discovering and Co-Constructing Your Own Business Worlds, 2008, pg. 475) that showed his case method students during 1972-1982 reported higher yearly incomes in 1992 than students electing the same courses in 1972-1982 taught by professors using the lecture method and the authoritarian row and column classroom layout, who graded students based on how well they memorized “right answers” for so-called objective multiple-choice tests, indicating learners learning in Adult–Adult I’m OK–You’re OK Game-free learning processes graded subjectively became more successful in the real world of business than learners lectured to in Parent–Child I’m OK–You’re Not-OK un-De-Gamed learning processes. Only former students who had been in the real world ten or more years after graduating were included in the study.

He had one of the lowest student grade point averages among professors in the business school. About five percent or so of his students made A’s and D’s, and most made C’s, which is about right, since C = Average. There few F’s in his courses. He did not believe in Lake Wobegon grading.

As the philosopher Ludwig Wiggenstein wrote, “The case is all there is.”

Everything else in Earthian human states of affairs is a rendition of what was or might be.

For more on Stapleton’s cultural, educational, and professional experiences go to  





The word ‘irony’ sums up much that is probably inherent in human nature and manifest at times in human history, when one considers the on-going conflict between the Palestinians and Israel. 

Historical pogroms had been launched against Jews – ‘pogroms’ used in the widest sense of its meaning as violent attack, expulsion, or marginalisations – then the history is a long one. King Edward 1 in 1290 signed an edict expelling all Jews from the Kingdom of England; Pope Innocent the 111 had issued a decree against Jews, placing them in servitude for the killing of Christ; Czarist Russia and the Russian Orthodox Church pursued an exclusionary policy towards Jews; more recently there is the Holocaust; and other instances which could be cited mainly in and around Europe of anti-Jewish actions being perpetrated.

In what can be termed historical Palestine, prior to 1948 Jews, Arab Palestinians and Christians lived peacefully with the Jewish population being about a mere 6% of the total in Palestine. The road to the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 might be said to have been signposted with Jewish hopes which followed certain critical stages.  Following the end of the Ottoman Empire, there was a new carving out of territories for the ‘Great Powers’ and in 1917 there was the Balfour Declaration announcing an intent to create a national homeland for Jews; in 1920 there was the San Reno Conference and by 1924 the then League of Nations approved the British Mandate for Palestine. Here comes trouble. Between 1936 to 1939 the Palestinians resisted British policy in Palestine. By the Post World War 11 era the world’s conscience had been touched and galvanised in favour of a Jewish state and by 1948 Zionists saw and grasped the opportunity. The on-going conflict had emerged since the inception of the Jewish state, for reasons such as:- 

  1. The displacement and expulsion of several hundred thousand Palestinians to make space for the new Jewish arrivees. 
  2. The anti-democratic embrace of the idea that one ethnicity can reserve for itself the exclusive right to citizenship at the expense and to the disadvantage of the prior inhabitants of the land.  
  3. The need to corral the expelled Palestinians, and deny them the right of return to their homeland. 

The list of causes for the conflict could be significantly expanded – but this brief commentary is about the inherent ‘irony’ existing in the state of Israel. 

International Law and the mandate 

1947, the United Kingdom had relied on Article 10 of the UN Charter:- 

“The General Assembly may discuss any questions or any matters within the scope of the present Charter or relating to the powers and functions of any organs provided for in the present Charter, and, except as provided in Article 12, may make recommendations to the Members of the United Nations or to the Security Council or to both on any such questions or matters.” 

Wherein commences a problem ( the problem?). A number of Arab States had opposed the British Mandate being brought to the floor of the General Assembly for reason that under Article 12.1of the UN Charter there is express provision that while the Security Council is exercising the functions assigned to it by the Charter in relation to any dispute or situation, the General Assembly must not adopt any recommendation regarding that dispute or situation unless requested to do so by the Security Council. The preexisting system of mandated territories under the law as applied via the League of Nations did not provide for any mandated territory to be transferred via the new UN schema of law. Here is how the problem commenced and continues to this day in point of law.

Articles 75 to 79 of the UN Charter address the UN Trusteeship system, which is the successor to that which had existed under the former League of Nations system as mandated territory. Under Article 79, the terms of trusteeship agreements were to be agreed by “…the States directly concerned, including the mandatory power in the case of territories held under mandate by a Member of the United Nations”.  Additionally, the agreements had to be approved by the Security Council in the case of territorial areas deemed to be strategic areas (see: Article 83) and note the provisions of Article 85 with regards to   the General Assembly’s role.   

Before the UN in 1947 adopted a crucial Resolution on Palestine, the UK had made known that it wanted to withdraw from Palestine, terminate the Mandate and avoid the transfer into an international Trusteeship System.  

On 29 November 1947, the UN General Assembly adopted a Plan as Resolution 181 (II). That resolution recommended the creation of independent Arab and Jewish States with a Special International Regime being established for the city of Jerusalem. 

By 1948 Jewish re-population and de-population of the Palestinian Arabs, throughout the various iterations of the conflict really does constitute – at least the Alpha – if not fully yet the Omega of the issue. A book would have to be written if I were to continue explaining the issue from its root causes. I simply want to lay an adequate historical and legal plinth to afford a credible shift leading logically to the main point of the ‘irony’ of that which was mentioned in the title at the start of this commentary. 


Lack of sympathy and/or support for fellow oppressed people  

At a time when Apartheid South Africa was seeking to perpetuate White minority rule, it was Israel which traded with and provided the scientific means to the racist regime to acquire nuclear weapons, as shown at and at,a%20sale%20of%20nuclear%20weapons .   

Establishment and perpetuation of Apartheid policies in Israel 

The position of the recognition of the 1967 borders under international law as constituting the boundaries for Israel, is simply ignored and greater settler colony expansion is taking place on Palestinian lands. 

When the Jewish ‘nation-state law’ was passed in Israel in 2018 the Arab members of the parliament ripped it up and shouted, “Apartheid”. Indeed, reservation for a certain group based on ethnicity in these circumstances can, quite accurately, be so termed.  

Expulsion of Palestinians from their homes while promoting more illegal Jewish settlements ( contrary to international law) 

To say the least, is it not truly ironic, that a group of people, undeniably historically displaced and dispossessed for centuries, would embrace policies such as declaring “Jewish settlement as a national value” while mandating that the state “will labor to encourage and promote its establishment and development.”? 

Beyond the immediate former proclamation, is it not, within historical context – ironic in the extreme for the Zionists to tell the Palestinians to forget their expulsion as of 1948 – being a diaspora people who kept a dream of return with collective memory alive over 2,000 years – long enough to remove people who historically really never did Jews any harm? 


International Refugee Law weighs heavily in favour of the right of return. Which version would you presently embrace Israel  – the one before 2,000 years ago – or – from 1948 onwards? Change course Israel – or – continue fighting as Apartheid South Africa did over many years, being truly reflective of what you are doing now  – fighting, however ironic the fight may be  – to the end. 


Courtenay Barnett is a graduate of London University. His areas of study were economics, political science and international law. He has been a practising lawyer for almost fully forty years, has been arrested for defending his views, and has argued public interest and human rights cases. 


America is not a racist country: It was back then, but then is now.  

( A tribute to Tim Scott)  

A joint venture poem by Courtenay Barnett and George Garwood.  

1. There was actual chattel slavery in the US  

when human beings at a time  

were bought and sold as property –  

but that was way back then, but then is now.  

2. After emancipation in 1863  

there were lynchings –  

but that was way back then, but then is now.  

3. There was the burning of ‘Black Wall Street’ in 1921  

when an entire prosperous town was destroyed  

and burned to the ground by a White mob  

for the Blacks had committed the crime of improving their lot in life  

post-emancipation, and had made themselves wealthy  

and that was quite some time ago –  

but that was way back then, but then is now  

4. After lynchings there was still ‘Jim Crow’ (Apartheid segregation)  

but segregation laws on the books actually ended around 1967  

when Virginia repealed the last miscegenation statute in the US –  

but that was way back then, but then is now.  

In the 1950s there was Federally approved segregation  

via the housing policy applied  

which directly excluded Blacks from benefiting  

from these Federal funds as well illustrated on Long Island  

and the instance of Levittown*– and that was in the 1950s –  

but that was way back then, but then is now.  

5. Even in the 1960s there had to be marches to obtain civil rights  

and that was some time ago in the 60s –  

but that was way back then, but then is now.  

6. Up to the early 1970s there was the ‘scientific experiment’ on  

Black male prisoners  

letting the disease of syphilis run its course  

to study and document the full nature of the disease  

as the bodies of these ‘human guinea pigs’ were made  

knowingly to decay – and this was permitted at  

the administrative and governmental level   

and that was some time ago in the 1970s –  

but that was way back then, but then is now.  

7. Oh Timmy – now I just love this last one –  

it was the day before yesterday  

and home boy George Floyd got his wind-pipe squeezed  

with the cop’s knee upon his neck  

but that was just regular and standard policing  

applied on a Black man  

while on the internet we still see postings of White Americans  

and some non-white Americans  

seeking to justify police action – and that in 2021.  

But eyes don’t lie. This wasn’t way back then –  

but then is now.  

8. So – please Tim Scott – do not disgrace the  

struggle and/or sacrifices of Black folks in  the US, for  

over the centuries, as you know, your mantra is untrue  

When you say, “America is not a racist country”-  

or when you say: that was way back then, for then is now.  

* A clause in the original Levittown covenant prevented tenants from allowing non-Caucasians to use or occupy Levitt houses…. In Levittown, Black veterans were unable to purchase homes, and the Levitts justified the clause by stating that it maintained the value of the properties, since most whites at the time preferred not to live in mixed communities.  

COURTENAY BARNETT is a graduate of London University. His areas of study were economics, political science and international law. He has been a practising lawyer for over thirty-nine years, has been arrested for defending his views, and has argued public interest and human rights cases. GEORGE GARWOODis a Jamaican writer and professor of world religions. He resides in Florida, USA, but is a peripatetic observer of human affairs as he travels around trying to understand human behaviour.



THE EARTHIAN, Number Twenty-Three, Effective Learning Publications, 32 East Main Street, Statesboro, Georgia, USA, May 8, 2021, Richard John Stapleton, PhD, CTA, Writer, Editor & Publisher   

THE EARTHIAN is a digest of articles containing facts, perspectives, theories, models, analyses, and recommendations concerned about existential states of affairs affecting all species of fauna and flora around Spaceship Earth. Recent articles written and published by intelligent hard-hitting truth-seeking writers in Internet journals about psychological, social, economic, political, military, religious, and ecological states of affairs around Spaceship Earth are posted and linked below as recommended sources of relevant reading to help Earthian humans comprehend larger and larger systems to develop consensual answers for dealing with existential problems.

To comment about this issue of The Earthian in general or any article included please scroll to the top of this page and click on the prompt for ELR Editor’s Daily Shares. Write your comment either at the top of the editor’s Facebook page that will pop up or at the bottom of the specific article you are thinking about that was previously shared on the ELR Editor’s Facebook page that popped up.


A man sitting at a table in front of a computer.


That object under my left hand in the picture above is a Classroom De-Gamer™.  It has a spinner attached and there are concentric circles of numbers around its circumference to accommodate different numbers of students in classes. Each student got a number and whoever’s number got selected when the spinner was spun got to be the leader of the moment leading a discussion of assigned reading, mostly long factual cases in my courses. I have published some refereed professional journal articles and book chapters attached as references to this issue of The Earthian explaining how learning De-Gamers de-Game psychological Games in learning situations, including an article I published in 1978 in the Transactional Analysis Journal titled “The Classroom De-Gamer” in which I first explained how and why my invention worked. Learning De-Gamers can work in any situation in which there is teaching and learning going on, involving parents and children in homes, teachers and students in schools, bosses and employees in businesses, preachers and Sunday school teachers and members in churches, and leaders and members in groups and organizations of all kinds.

Learning De-Gamers cathect (activate) all Ego States in all participants. I used a Classroom De-Gamer™ in my classes thirty-five years producing management learning with university students, and I used one with a large manufacturing corporation, dealing with current problems in a plant with several hundred employees from all functions and levels of the plant, lecturing three hours on transactional analysis concepts and techniques to thirty or so plant employees per group in classes at a university setting and spasmodically applying TA to interrelated plant problems over a five year period on-site on an as needed basis with small mixed groups of ten or so members, with each member of a small group having an equal shot at being selected the leader of the group. Whoever got selected by the plant De-Gamer became the leader of the moment to start a discussion about whatever he or she thought was the most significant problem facing the plant. I wrote about this experience in my ebook Recommendations for Waking Up From the USian Nightmare, at .

Learning De-Gamers facilitate a democratic way of teaching and learning involving sortition wherein everyone involved is OK with an equal shot at being the leader of the moment, a process ancient Greeks used to create democratic government during one of the more OK periods of Earthian human history. I think Learning De-Gamers based on sortition should be used around Spaceship Earth today in as many teaching and learning situations as possible, including governmental legislative groups, such as the USian House and Senate.

Learning De-Gamers cause more and better learning to happen by causing Adult Ego States to be cathected (activated) in participants and by preventing the learning process from being corrupted by Persecutors, Rescuers, and Victims playing psychological Games. When the Leader of the Moment is randomly selected psychological power struggles do not happen at the start of discussions and participants cooperate from then on.  

For more detail regarding learning de-gamers read the latest episode of my serially published Internet novel, Rout Logger’s Group: A Novel Approach for Increasing Human OKness at

Following are some transactional analysis terms and concepts that might help Earthian humans think and talk more clearly about psychological, social, economic, religious, and political processes that might help develop consensual answers to bring about salutary feeling, thinking, and doing processes around Spaceship Earth for dealing with existential threats such as global warming, climate change, and nuclear war.  

Ego states are states of being including thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, feelings, gestures, body language, and other signals determining how people come across with others in communication episodes that are parent-like, adult-like, or child-like.  People switch ego states depending on who they are communicating with and what sort of circumstances they are in, whether they are parenting, working, socializing, teaching, having fun, or playing Games.  They transmit messages from three ego states in themselves to three ego states in others in pair vectors, Parent-Parent, Adult-Adult, Child-Child, Parent-Child, Child-Adult, Adult-Parent, or whatever possibility.  These transmissions or transactions are especially meaningful in situations in which there is some sort of authoritarian system involved, such as parents parenting children in homes, teachers teaching students in schools, or bosses bossing subordinates in a business, political, religious, or military organization, which normally entail primarily Parent-Child transactions. In most cases the more Adult-Adult transactions there are the better things go in families, schools, businesses, churches, military units, political organizations, and governments. 

A life script diagram shows three stacked circles metaphorically representing Parent, Adult, and Child ego states depicting transactions between real parents and children. The solid lines in the diagram denote overt spoken social messages on vectors from ego states in the parent to ego states in the child, and dotted line vectors denote covert psychological unspoken ulterior messages transmitted from the Child ego state of the parent to the Child ego state of the child. Social messages are verbalized overt auditory messages; psychological messages are covert non-spoken ulterior messages transmitted by body language, emotional states, and after the fact positive or negative stroking as people react to situations and feel and do things.

Strokes are units of recognition.

Scripts in families are created automatically when parents transmit various messages to their children from various ego states socially and psychologically, in and out of awareness.  Scripts are life plans are generally decided before the age of eight by offspring based on script messages transmitted to them by their parents and others.  Since parents by and large transmit the same script messages that were transmitted to them before they were eight years old script messages in families can remain intact for many generations.  According to transactional analysts script decisions made before the age of eight have lasting effects determining three general life outcomes:  winner, loser, and non-winner.  These decisions can be redecided and updated later in life but it’s not easy for most people. 

Psychological Child-Child ego state script injunctions are what cause the most trouble for people in their lives.  These script injunctions forbid appropriate behavior in the here and now. Script injunctions are caused by emotional and behavioral requirements created by families through time as they adapted to and coped with problems and environmental forces that may have been appropriate in past environments, but which are inappropriate and ineffective in different here and now environments. 

Opposing script messages transmitted by parents can put a child in a Not-OK bind in childhood and throughout adolescence, assuming a divorce has not already occurred, causing considerable trouble within a family, since the child cannot please both parents in the presence of both parents, which can put parents in worse Not-OK positions if the child makes a decision about which parent is right, increasing Not-OKness in the family system as a whole.  

What many people need is psychological permission to violate and ignore their psychological outdated obsolete family Child ego state script message Injunctions, not only to increase their own OKness but the OKness of all living members of the family system, and the OKness of Earthian humans in general.

Two common family script Injunctions in most cultures are Don’t Think seriously about the true nature and causes of states of affairs and Don’t Feel certain feelings, such as mad, glad, sad, and scared, when certain things happen in certain environments.

Joe Biden at least socially comes across projecting an I’m OK–You’re OK life position. Donald Trump on the other hand comes across socially and psychologically projecting an I’m OK, my buddy is OK, nothing else is OK, and we are going to make the world pay life position.

Here is some writing of mine based on the teachings of Martin Groder, MD, a founder of transactional analysis and one of my TA mentors, published in my book Business Voyages: Mental Maps, Scripts, Schemata and Tools for Discovering and Co-Constructing Your Own Business Worlds, 2011, pp. 148-150:

“The Human Spectrum

“Humans generally give little thought to what kind of human they are and where they fit in the spectrum of various types of humans. Innumerable philosophers, psychiatrists, social scientists, preachers, priests, writers in various fields, and other types have described and categorized humans in various ways. Following is a schema developed by Martin Groder, MD, a psychiatrist, organizational development consultant, and entrepreneur, who also had an undergraduate degree in physics (Groder, 1977). Groder developed this schema while working with maximum security inmates of the federal prison system at Marion, Illinois in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. He was involved in a process of changing hard-core criminals into law-abiding citizens. Such a process would challenge the abilities of the most skillful and powerful of change agents.

“According to Groder, humans vary on two fundamental spatial dimensions. One dimension is Okness, which he estimates on the horizontal axis of Figure 1; the other dimension is the energy level of the individual estimated on the vertical axis of the space.

“People vary in terms of how OK they see, feel about, and experience, (1) themselves, (2) the other individual, (3) their group, (4) other groups, and (5) the world. In Groder’s terms, they are OK or not-OK with respect to I, You, We, They, and It (the world). Groder estimates how OK they are on each of these five existential dimensions on a scale of -1 to +1, -1 being as not-OK as possible and +1 being as OK as possible. Thus people with extremely high self-esteem would exist at the +1 level regarding themselves; someone with extremely low self-esteem would exist at the -1 level regarding themselves. People could exist at any level in between, at -.5, 0, +.25, etc. The same would be true of the positions of specific individuals with respect to buddies on a one-to-one basis, groups with which one belongs, other groups with which your group cooperates or competes, and the world in general. Summing the 5 existential OKness positions for an individual (I, You, We, They, and It), the highest possible OKness rating would be +5 and the lowest possible would be -5. A +5 person would have the highest possible feelings of Okness regarding his or her OKness, the OKness of buddies, the OKness of his group, the OKness of other groups, and the OKness of the world. Such an individual would have very positive feelings and thoughts for self and others. Groder called such people myth-makers. On the other end of the spectrum, a -5 person would have the lowest possible feelings and thoughts for self and others. Very negative people tend to end up in prison. Very positive people tend to end up cultural heroes. Probably the most profitable attitude for an entrepreneur in a capitalistic economic system would be I’m OK, my employees are OK, my company is OK, the world is OK, but my competitors aren’t worth a damn, since this position would motivate his or her sales employees to steal business from competitors to increase the profit of the company.

“Entrepreneurs have higher energy levels than middle managers and normal people. It takes less energy to be a normal person than anything else. Entrepreneurs in Groder’s schema have approximately the same energy level on the vertical axis of Figure 1 as Monsters, the -3 OKness level convict leaders of other convicts. Monsters have the attitude “I’m OK, my buddy is OK, but everything else is not OK, and I am going to make the world pay.” According to Groder, it’s more difficult to change the energy level of a human than the OKness position. In rehabilitation work, Groder attempted to arc people across the gap of Figure 1, and make +3 OKness level entrepreneurs out of -3 monsters, +2 OKness middle managers out of -2 OKness creeps, slobs, lunch buckets, etc. Sometimes people arc across the gap the other way. Honest entrepreneurs can turn criminal. Entrepreneurs are winner-survivors; Monsters are loser-survivors.”

The trick to it all is setting appropriate goals and objectives, doing what you really want to do, can do, and should do given your natural abilities, scripting, and education, and the requirements and options of your environment that will produce satisfaction for you. How much money you get your hands on in the process beyond a certain level necessary to satisfy needs for food, clothing, shelter, belonging, and good health is irrelevant, if you aren’t addicted to playing psychological Games caused by poor scripting. Most really rich people are playing a psychological Game called BALANCE SHEET, a Parent ego state Game in which the winner thinks s/he wins by piling up more money on a balance sheet than others.

 I became a certified transactional analyst in education and organizations, a CTA, after passing written, oral, and experiential comprehensive exams administered by the International Transactional Analysis Association in 1978, after undergoing three years of once-a-month training, all day Saturday and half of Sunday, at the Southeast Institute at Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

I have covered ego states, scripts, Games, and OKness in my books Business Voyages  and Born to Learn: A Transactional Analysis of Human Learninglisting common Parent ego state script messages and Child ego state injunctions.  All parents do not transmit the same script messages creating considerable variety among family scripts and outcomes.  Certain life scripts conveniently fit certain roles, jobs, professions, careers, and what have you more than others, providing fresh recruits already scripted for job openings, slots, roles, and positions in an economy, which is fine so long as the economy does not change very much.  In recent years in the United States the offshoring of high wage blue collar jobs to foreign low wage countries and the use of more and more automation has rendered many family scripts obsolete. 

A bitter pill for some people to swallow postulated in my books Business Voyages and Born to Learn is that everything that happens is either predetermined or accidental and therefore no one is to blame or praise. Believing and acting otherwise will perpetuate the same sorry I’m OK–You’re Not OK life position that has bedeviled humankind since time immemorial.

For more information regarding my use of Transactional Analysis  to create better discussion groups and democratic processes read my book Born to Learn:  A Transactional Analysis of Human Learning. 

For more information on how to co-construct better organizations and economic systems using transactional analysis read my book   Business Voyages:  Mental Maps, Scripts, Schemata, and Tools for Co-Constructing Your Own Business Worlds

Read my article “The Evolution of Spaceship Earth, Inc,”   for some management science ideas on how human Earthians might eventually co-construct an economic system that is viable and satisfying for everyone aboard Spaceship Earth, making it possible for all Earthian humans to develop an I’m OK–You’re OK life position. 

This entails Earthians peacefully reducing through natural attrition the human population aboard Spaceship Earth, never doing work that machines can do better, and delegating the day-to-day management of systems for scheduling, producing, and distributing the necessities of life to artificial intelligence programs and supercomputers.

This is possible based on the general algorithmic matrix algebra form

Max CjXj, s.t. AijXj ≤, =, or ≥ Bi

as I explained in “The Evolution of Spaceship Earth, Inc.”  

Flying aboard an airliner about to land at night moving at four hundred miles an hour at thirty thousand feet with cloudy and rainy weather below, which would you rather have landing the plane, the plane’s radar and computer system or the pilot and co-pilot, seeing nothing out their windows but clouds and lightning?

The main reason however for turning over the scheduling, production, and distribution of the necessities of life to AI robots and magnum computers is that they do not get greedy and power hungry or play psychological Games. Thus far in human history sooner or later corrupt Not-OK leaders atop large organizations such as countries, large corporations, and big banks got control acting out their life scripts playing psychological Games, hogging all the power and money they could get their hands on for themselves and their cronies, ruining everything for everyone. AI robots and computers are not egotistical.

I am indebted to Buckminster Fuller for teaching me in his book Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth the airplane-landing metaphor in the above paragraph and for planting seeds for other ideas in my essay “The Evolution of Spaceship Earth, Inc.,” such as computers being the best hope for mankind and humans not doing work machines can do better, being paid to think instead with what Fuller called mind grants. Fuller said unemployment all around Spaceship Earth could be eliminated overnight with mind grants. To my knowledge Fuller was the inventor of the appellations Earthian and Spaceship Earth.   

For details regarding my transactional analysis and management science qualifications see my RJS Academic Vita at .   

If you have ideas on how to democratically discuss in Game-free ways economic and political problems and opportunities in something like the Ogeechee Economic Forum go to our RESPONSES page and let us know about them at .

I do not sell subscriptions or advertising or solicit donations for THE EARTHIAN or the EFFECTIVE LEARNING REPORT but I would like to sell more books. If you feel you’ve gained value from THE EARTHIAN and would like to reciprocate, go to our Effective Learning Publications page and purchase one or more copies of my books at .

FOR A FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO THE EFFECTIVE LEARNING REPORT AND THE EARTHIAN: Email [email protected] and type the word Subscription on the subject line.     

Feel free to forward, share, post, print, or otherwise circulate this edition of The Earthian any way you see fit.  

Born to Learn has not been a best seller but it has had some impact as this review in the Texas Tribune shows at . A German orthopedic surgeon discounted Born to Learn with a customer review at, causing the book to be algorithmically lowered from a five star to a three star Amazon rating. The orthopedic doctor said I did not “come across” like a real transactional analyst, the book title promised more than it delivered, and he could understand why some students did not like my teaching. Seems to me the Kirkus review in the Texas Tribune is fair and accurate. Both reviews comment on admittedly a debatable issue with Born to Learn: Is the book useful only for teachers and students in schools or is it useful for all teachers and learners, including parents and children in homes, bosses and employees in businesses, preachers and Sunday school teachers and members in churches? Is it useful for leaders and members learning in all kinds of groups and organizations, boy and girl clubs, civic clubs, chambers of commerce, street gangs, political parties, military units, and governments? I say it can be useful in all organizations and groups and can help increase human OKness.

Read both reviews above for yourself and write a review of Born to Learn at,204,203,200_QL40&dpSrc=srch ). The more reviews the better.

Born to Learn: A Transactional Analysis of Human Learning by Richard John Stapleton was featured in “20 Great Indie Books Worth Your Time,” in Kirkus Reviews, VOL. LXXXV, NO 21, 1 November 2017, Page 130:

“Illuminating if quirky at times; insightful eye-opening observations about the interplay of teachers and students in the classroom. A refresher course in Transactional Analysis emphasizes its application in the classroom.”


May 12, 2021

Would you believe this?

“America is Not a Racist Country,” by Courtenay Barnett and George Garwood, EFFECTIVE LEARNING REPORT,

May 10, 2021

The USian government has decided waging war is far less dangerous for the USian economy than waging peace.

“Programmed for War,” by William Astore, COUNTERPUNCH,

May 10. 

Yeah, right, what do you really think is the problem and the alternatives, and what do you recommend for the best way forward?

“Venezuelas: And Yet It Moves,” by Chris Gilbert, COUNTERPUNCH,

May 8

Give a shout out to the French Revolution of 1789, but cringe about its aftermath. Let us all grieve together that Spaceship Earth today should not evolve and degenerate similarly. Let us grieve that Biden does not become another Napoleon Bonaparte. Seems to me Earthian humans need no more republic democracies. They need real democracies. This article is by far the best summary explanation of French Revolution stadia I have read.

“Napoleon Between War and Revolution,: by Jacques R. Pauwels, COUNTERPUNCH,

May 8

If Trump and his big lie and his insurrection against the Usian govt would not cause repugs to lose government seats what would?

“Trump’s ‘Big Lie’ Could Hurt Republicans in 2033, GOP Pollster Says,” by Chris Walker, TRUTHOUT,

May 8


“Nearly half of Americans think they’re a better person than EVERYONE they know!, by Chris Melore, STUDYFINDS,

May 6

Out on a limb, you might say

Grundlach–”Between the stimulus checks, which were supposed to be temporary, and all the expansions of unemployment and other benefits, the percent of personal income comprised of government payments soared, something we also saw in recent spending data when we observed that 34% of household spending last month came from the government.

“A lot of weird things happened once the pandemic hit….it was a steady march to dependency on the government by a larger and larger fraction of the US population went absolutely vertical what this chart represents is what percent of personal income which is a government statistic what percentage of government of of personal income is made up of government giveaways which we call transfer payments back in the 60s it was down near five percent.

“The trillions in Congressionally-approved payments caused the deficit, already blown out under President Trump, to widen further.”

“Gundlach Warns America’s ‘Unfunded Liabilities’ Are $163 Trillion, More Than 5x National Debt,” by Tyler Durden, ZEROHEDGE,

May 5

A must read for any thinking person.

“Escobar: The Brave New Cancel Culture World,” by Pepe Escobar, THE ASIA TIMES,

May 5

Now here is an interesting read for you. A major irony is that a dictatorial lawgiver is required to install democracy, such as Rout Logger in my serial Internet novel in progress, “Rout Logger’s Group: A Novel Approach for Increasing Human OKness.


May 5

Here’s more than you probably wanted to know about what the USian senate is up to regarding China. Read the whole senate bill for yourself.

Pepe Escobar–

“The concomitant wishful thinking envisages a world economy that will “move closer to a cleaner capitalist model”. One of its features is a delightfully benign Council for Inclusive Capitalism in partnership with the Catholic Church.

“As much as the pandemic – the “opportunity” for the Reset – was somewhat rehearsed by Event 201 in October 2019, additional strategies are already in place for the next steps, such as Cyber Polygon, which warns against the “key risks of digitalization”. Don’t miss their “technical exercise” on July 9th, when “participants will hone their practical skills in mitigating a targeted supply chain attack on a corporate ecosystem in real time.”

“A New Concert of Powers?

“Sovereignty is a lethal threat to the ongoing cultural revolution. That concerns the role of the European Union institutions – especially the European Commission – going no holds barred to dissolve the national interests of nation states. And that largely explains the weaponizing, in varying degrees, of Russophobia, Sinophobia and Iranophobia.

“The anchoring essay in Raging Twenties analyzes the stakes in Eurasia exactly in terms of the Hegemon pitted against the Three Sovereigns – which are Russia, China and Iran.

“It’s under this framework, for instance, that a massive, 270-plus page bill, the Strategic Competition Act , has been recently passed at the US Senate. That goes way beyond geopolitical competition, charting a road map to fight China across the full spectrum. It’s bound to become law, as Sinophobia is a bipartisan sport in D.C.”

“S.1169–Strategic Competition Act of 2021,” by the 117th Congress, IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES,

May 5

So it seems

“Time for a great reset of the financial system: A 30-year debt supercycle that has fuelled inequality illustrates the need for a new regime,,” by Chris Watling, FINANCIAL TIMES,

May 5

If most repugs are unethical enough or gullible enough to believe Trump’s ‘big lie’ that the election was stolen from him then they can believe any lie McConnell tells them.

“Sanders Accuses McConnell of Hypocrisy and Corruption in Scathing KY Speech,” by Sharon Zhang, TRUTHOUT,

May 5

Say it aint so Joe

“Epic New Documentary Series Exposes Brutality of European Colonialism Worldwide,” by Amy Goodman and Nermeen Shaikh, DEMOCRACY NOW,

May 3

A paean to serious hard manual work, which a smaller percentage of humans do anymore, because there is less hard human manual work per capita to do anymore, AI robots having taken over more and more hard labor lately.

“In the Smithy of His Soul: A Steel Worker and Scholar,” by Peter Linebaugh, COUNTERPUNCH,

May 3

Declaring and waging peace is thought to be more dangerous than declaring and waging war for the Usian economy.

“American-Style War Until the End of Time,” by Tom Englehardt, COUNTERPUNCH,

May 2

Words of wisdom from an elder USian economic myth-maker

“‘Bernie Sanders Has Won’: Munger Says Millennials Will Have ‘A Hell of A Time Getting Rich Compared to Our Generation’,” by Tyler Durden, ZEROHEDGE,

May 1    

Never heard of hail like this before. Climate change anyone?

“Hailstorms Bombard Texas, Oklahoma, Causing Billions of Dollars in Damage,” by Tyler Durden, ZEROHEDGE,

May 1   

Sounds too good to be true, but if true, would it be worth it, counting the total cost of the fuel necessary to produce the laser beams, including environmental degradation costs caused by the fuel feedstock production process?

“Farm Robot Zaps Weeds With High-Powered Lasers, Eliminates Need for Toxic Herbicides,” ZEROHEDGE,

April 29

Is money now worthless as an investment? Pretty hard to live on your savings if money pays zero in interest.

“US Sells Treasury Bills at 0% For The First Time Since The Covid Crash,” by Tyler Durden, ZEROHEDGE,

April 28

In this well-conducted U-Tube round table discussion some big brains two years ago at Davos discuss what they knew about what’s going to happen. Not much has changed since then economically or politically besides deposing Trump.

“Is Another Financial Crisis Looming? Tom Keene, David Rubenstein & Experts Debate,” WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM, Davos 2018,

April 28

During the last five years common sense and good conservative judgment did not pay off in the USian economy. A few unethical reckless fools were the big winners.

“Value Investing Icon Jumps Off Manhattan Skyscraper To His Death After Liquidating Fund,” by Tyler Durden, ZEROHEDGE,

April 28

Best summary of the problem I have read

“Why is America getting a new $100 billion nuclear weapon?,” BULLETIN OF THE ATOMIC SCIENTISTS,

April 28

Truth is dangerous. That’s why it’s so hard to find in political states of affairs. Better to believe and espouse pleasant falsehoods than to wind up a dead or abandoned hero. Necessary lies they are sometimes called.

“The incompetent, negligent, mishandling, miscalculating elite blunderers,” by Edward Curtin, INTREPID REPORT,

April 27

I taught three months at Incirlik in the fall of 1982 for Troy State.

“Key U.S. air base in Turkey sits on property stolen from Armenians during the genocide,” by David Boyajian, INTREPID REPORT,

April 26

Here’s a U-Tube discussion with two of the best storytellers around Spaceship Earth discussing free speech and democracy worldwide. Well worth a look and listen.

“Elif Shafak and Wole Soyinka: Studio B: Unscripted,” AL JAZEERA ENGLISH,

April 25

The FBI finally admitted it was investigating this case all along, a fact withheld till now. Most likely Hillary is again railing against a vast right wing conspiracy persecuting her and Bill.

“FBI Releases Documents on Investigation into Death of DNC Staffer Seth Rich,” by Zachary Stieber, THE EPOCH TIMES,

April 24

Another interesting and relevant perspective by Paul Street

“Slaves to the Constitution,” by Paul Street, COUNTERPUNCH,

April 24

As Pogo said, “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

“Reject Greenwashing. At This Point, Only An Ecological Revolution Will Do,” by William Rivers Pitt, TRUTHOUT,

April 24

Who started it? They started it, of course!

“The Rising Threat of Nuclear War Is The Most Urgent Matter In The World,: by Caitlin Johnstone, MEDIUM,

April 23

Hopefully it means increased OKness

“What Chauvin’s Conviction Means for Black Communities,” by Kerry Mitchell Brown, COUNTERPUNCH,

April 23

Why produce the documentary now?

“Ken Burns; and Lynn Novick’s ‘Hemingway’: Nobody Called Him Ernie,” by Jonah Raskin, COUNTERPUNCH,

April 23

Capitalism may be the worst system, but none of the alternative economic systems have worked either, so far.

“The ‘Innocence’ of Early Capitalism is Another Fantastical Myth,” by Pete Dolack, COUNTERPUNCH,

April 23

Never knew this before

“How ‘representative’ is US democracy?,” by Thomas L Knapp, INTREPID REPORT,

April 23

Say it aint so Joe

“Comply or die: The only truly compliant person in a police state is a dead one,” by John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, INTREPID REPORT,

April 21

Sounds like Dr Strangelove stuff to me. Now we have to worry about what mere “adversaries” might dream up to do to us, so we should give the Pentagon all the money they want to protect us.

“US Strategic Command Issues Random Warning Over Nuclear Strike,” by Tyler Durden, ZEROHEDGE,

April 21

This was news to me last night. According to O’Donnell the Minneapolis police department told the public Floyd had died of heart problems while being transported to a hospital in an ambulance before learning of the existence of the video recording showing what really happened.

“If not for a teenager’s recording of George Floyd’s murder, the world would have believed the police lie,” MSNBC Daily,

April 20

Won’t be the end of real america. American history should start with native history, including not only the natives of the USian part of North America but also including the natives of the rest of North America and the natives of Central and South America. Hubristic limited European-USians are so mistaught in families, schools, churches, newspapers, and in Internet memes they believe they are the only “americans” aboard Spaceship Earth. All three of the above continents were delineated after Amerigo Vespucci landed in what is now known as Central America in 1497, discovering what he called a “New World,” after sailing west from Europe to reach the east, specifically India, European humans by 1497 having mustered the courage to test the theory Earth was a globe by sailing on and on in wooden ships farther than the eye could see across the Atlantic Ocean, causing the extermination in the next few centuries of most of the millions of native inhabitants of the “new” world, who had been there for over a thousand years.

There never was an “America”. What the author refers to here as “America” is a part of the North American continent now known as the United States of America, maybe one fourth of the land mass discovered by Amerigo Vespucci. However, assuming the author of this post is right, it is sad the USian part of North America is ending. In any event it seems to me it’s about time USian schools, parents, teachers, professors, writers, newspapers, etc. started teaching the truth about the matter of what america is by giving natives that had been in North, Central, and South America more credit and consolation for what they did and what happened to them before and after the Europeans arrived. They also need to stop calling USian History American History. Surely the inhabitants of non-USian territory in the Americas also contributed something to real American History on three continents. Most USians, alas, seem to hubristically think they are the only Americans aboard Spaceship Earth that count.


April 19

There should be no place aboard Spaceship Earth for hate.

“The Spread of Global Hate,” by John Feffer, COUNTERPUNCH,

April 19

Hate should become a barbaric relic, but it won’t so long as massive psychological, social, economic, and political injustice exists.

“What Einstein and Freud can teach us about the psychology of hate,” by Bill Blum, INTREPID REPORT,

April 19

But what can a therapist do about it?

“Therapists Are Seeing More Patients Struggle With Climate Anxiety,” by Isobel Whitcomb, TRUTHOUT,

April 17

Another cogent relevant article by Michael Hudson, one of the greatest economists alive. But even he does not seem to know what america is in his title for his article.

“America’s Neoliberal Financialization Policy vs. China’s Industrial Socialism,” by Michael Hudson, COUNTERPUNCH,

April 17

You don’t say

“Pentagon: Unclear if Contractors Will Leave Afghanistan,” by Dave DeCamp, ANTIWAR.COM,

April 17

Now here is some truth for you if you can believe it. The bottom line: Who can you trust and believe?

“Greenwald: Journalists, Learning They Spread A CIA Fraud About Russia, Instantly Embrace A New One,” by Glenn Greenwald, ZEROHEDGE,

April 16

Great article and discussion

“Yet Another Imperialist Occupation of Afghanistan Ends in Disaster,” by Craig Murray, CRAIGMURRAY.COM,

April 11

Rout Logger’s Group: A Novel Approach for Increasing Human OKness is a work in progress. While settings, plots, theories, objects, and narratives in this novel may be loosely analogous to the same that have happened in various realities, the names, actions, and attributions of characters cast herein are fictional. All parts of this novel will be published in the Effective Learning Report at various intervals on the Internet, subject to revision at any time, hopefully culminating in a final print edition offered to the public.

Copyright 2020 by Richard John Stapleton, Effective Learning Publications. All rights reserved. No part of this Internet novel may be copied or printed on paper without permission. Share on the Internet as you wish.

To refresh yourself about what happened in earlier episodes, go to the following website addresses:

Internet Episode 1,   

Internet Episode 2,

Internet Episode 3,

Internet Episode 4,

Internet Episode 5,

Internet Episode 6,  

Internet Episode 7,

A list of names of forty cast characters with a short biographical blurb about each is presented in Internet Episode 1.

“Rout Logger’s Group: A Novel Approach for Increasing Human OKness–Internet Episode 8,” by Richard John Stapleton, EFFECTIVELEARNING REPORT,



THE EARTHIAN, Number Twenty-Two, Effective Learning Publications, 32 East Main Street, Statesboro, Georgia, USA, March 18, 2021.   

THE EARTHIAN is a digest of articles containing facts, perspectives, theories, models, analyses, and recommendations concerned about existential states of affairs affecting all species of fauna and flora around Spaceship Earth. Recent relevant articles written and published by intelligent hard-hitting truth-seeking writers in Internet journals about psychological, social, economic, political, military, religious, and ecological states of affairs around Spaceship Earth are linked below as sources, following a usual comment by the editor.

A man sitting at a table in front of a computer.



By Richard John Stapleton

Hallelujah, we almost got rid of Trump being thrown in our faces daily on computer and TV screens, at least for now, except for a muchly-reduced flow of posts and news reports about the civil and criminal court cases he now faces and what he’s doing to harvest more millions of dollars from his marks and gang members, aka followers and supporters, while playing his usual psychological Games with the Repug party, with an eye toward running again for president in 2024, thanks to his Repug gang members in the USian senate Rescuing him by voting to acquit in his 2021 impeachment trial, insulting common sense and consensual truth, given the exemplary Dem impeachment trial managers proving beyond a reasonable doubt Trump incited an insurrection against the US government on January 6, 2021.

Now that Trump has waned from view we are seeing and hearing more posts about Joe Biden, the new USian president, pop up on our computer and TV screens. He seems to be doing a decent job domestically, getting Covid vaccinations jabbed into the arms of millions in relatively short order, doing a good job compared to what Trump did about Covid, very little.

Biden and the Dems have passed with a party line vote a Covid relief/rescue package worth $1.9 trillion to recipients. The Biden administration has now started bombing Syria again reinstating the neoliberal Dem foreign policies of Obama and Clinton, while maintaining the sanctions Trump and his cronies in the State Department imposed on Venezuela and Iran.

After the end of World War II in 1945, a war the US helped win, rather than lay down its arms and live peacefully with other sovereign nations at war’s end, the US has been since that time up to the present day almost constantly at war with someone, having not won a war in the 75-year interval. While fighting in WWII may have been necessary for defense, the US having been attacked and threatened by Japan at Pearl Harbor, all USian wars since have been discretionary offensive wars designed to create advantages and benefits for the USian military-industrial-intelligence-financial complex and presumably for the USian people, and all Earthian humans, for that matter. The wars have been sold as global do-gooderism, doing things such as spreading democracy; stopping the spread of communism; controlling global oil, scarce minerals, and other natural resources; and maintaining the reserve currency status of the “American” dollar to facilitate global trade.

Up until 1980 or so it appeared these discretionary wars paid off economically for most USians. Real incomes in the US generally increased from year to year after 1945 for all classes, lower, middle, and upper, up until about 1980. Since then however real incomes stagnated or declined for most of the USian lower and middle classes while incomes and wealth of the elite rich, the upper one percent, dramatically increased, creating gut-wrenching inequality. If discretionary offensive USian wars paid off after 1980 it was primarily for the elite rich.

These discretionary wars have entailed the US playing psychological Games internationally such as IF IT WEREN’T FOR YOU, regime change wars, and NOW I’VE GOT YOU, YOU SOB, punitive wars for heinous actions against the US economy and the American dollar. Here of late the US government has developed a new form of warfare known as “sanctions”–punishments inflicted on other countries and their people, actions such as freezing foreign bank accounts, and preventing certain countries, such as Iran and Venezuela, from selling their oil in certain markets, creating economic hardships and suffering for their people.

Joe Biden has come across socially in his speeches as president as a compassionate and considerate good guy, speaking courteously in humble tones, espousing desires to work for the good of all USians, not just those who voted for him. This is refreshing compared to Trump who went out of his way to come across socially in his speeches as an arrogant, bellicose, threatening, wise-ass, cocky crime boss, not caring about anyone or anything but himself and his aggrieved loser-survivor supporters, vowing to make “America” “great” again for them.

Psychologically Biden’s historical voting record during his fifty-years-plus in the US congress has not always been compassionate or considerate. When it came time to vote for bombing Iraq or vote for Clinton’s crime bill that greatly increased the USian prison population, Biden sided with his cronies in Congress and the elite rich, not we the people. Nor has his record been psychologically compassionate or considerate for USian people suffering from exorbitant pharmaceutical bills, predatory student loan debt, and predatory credit card interest and special charges.

It would be nice to think happy days are here again, with Biden as president rather than Trump, but for sure that’s not the case. Yes, it’s good there’s light at the end of the Covid tunnel, aided and abetted by Biden. Hopefully the US will get the Covid disaster under control by the end of this year as more and more people get vaccinated and more and more become immune, but the overall Usian plight has not changed much. Biden socially told the deep state before he got elected there would not be any major changes if he got elected.

It’s one thing to change the social and psychological transactions and personalities of egotistical presidents; it’s another to change the policies of neoliberal Dems and conservative Repugs. Both parties are right of center bought and paid for by big money donors in big banks, the for-profit health care industry, the oil industry, the defense industry, high tech, and large corporations of various stripes. Since the Reagan revolution of 1980 the US has more and more become a plutocratic corporate state.  

What is normal? Is normal the economic conditions the US had before Covid hit in March 2020, what Trump called the greatest economy in US history, all caused by him of course. Seems to me however the burst of retail sales growth and job growth (mainly gig jobs with no security) at that time was largely due to Trump’s tax cuts and increased military spending that significantly increased the federal budget deficit and debt, now some twenty-eight trillion dollars in piled-up debt and three trillion dollars per year in deficit red ink, which will significantly increase as the treasury borrows new money to fund the new stimulus and/or rescue package. And what will happen after the stimulus money is paid out? Will the Fed govt have to do it again over and over to avert market bubble collapses and social unrest? And how many times can they do it again before the US govt goes bankrupt? According to one of the Sources listed below in this issue of The Earthian the USian Federal Reserve system will keep creating more funny money out of thin air, by punching digits into their computers and calling the resulting numbers money, to buy US treasury bills and notes to fund the budget deficit, knowing full well sooner or later this is going to ignite serious inflation, which is OK with them since all this funny money creation and helicopter money dissemination in rescue packages will make it easier for the US treasury to service their Federal Reserve debt with cheaper funny money dollars that will buy less and less per dollar in the real economy, aka debasing the dollar. Meanwhile Fed overnight interest rates and US Treasury bond and bill rates will stay low, sometimes get below zero, as far as the eye can see, to stave off as long as possible the macro financial process reaching the end of the line. When will that be? Nobody knows.

Seems to me “normal” would mean USians working in stable fulltime jobs that pay a living wage with good benefits, such as health insurance and retirement plans, with only frictional unemployment temporarily caused by people changing jobs or looking for jobs after graduating from high school or college, about four percent per year. This sort of normal started becoming less normal around 1980 when USian corporations started seriously outsourcing high wage blue collar jobs to low wage countries and using more and more robots and automated processes instead of human labor. Seems to me the only way to get back to pre-1980 happier days in the US is to redefine what work is and pay humans to think with mind grants, not to do physical work that robots and machines can do cheaper and better, while decreasing the USian human population through natural attrition, natural deaths exceeding births, to increase the size of yearly economic pie slices for lower and middle class people taken from a smaller and more rational national economic pie baked each year (aka GNP), requiring less resource consumption and less fossil fuel energy to control global warming and climate change, and prevent nuclear war.

Bringing changes such as these about will require significant changes in the way humans feel, think, and behave around Spaceship Earth so as to create new psychological, social, economic, religious, and political systems and processes, creating a “new” normal that has never existed. MAGA-type magical thinking will not get the job done because the US and all Earthian countries have never produced satisfactory jobs and incomes for everyone. Some countries may have made “progress” here and there through time but none have ever been “great”.

No country can be OK unless all countries are OK­–not great but OK.

We’re OK–You’re Not OK life positions used to formulate foreign policy by rogue countries (such as the US under Trump) exacerbate Earthian Not-OKness, causing premature deaths, poverty, suffering, destruction, and population dislocations.

Biden’s new crisis on the USian southwestern border caused by thirteen thousand or so unaccompanied children from Central America and South America being left on the USian doorstep in North America exemplifies the problem. The best foreign policy for curing the “immigration” problem is to help all countries become OK, so no one will be forced by necessity to emigrate. Seems to me undermining the OKness of other countries, however Not-OK they might be, with wars, sanctions, and covert intelligence agency operations, will only make the problem worse. 

Before presenting in this issue of The Earthian Sources of new perspectives by various authors on current economic, psychological, social, religious, and political states of affairs around Spaceship Earth, I herein present some transactional analysis ideas, variables, and processes that I think might help all Earthian humans make changes in the ways they feel and think about psychological, social, economic, religious, and political processes that might help bring about salutary feeling, thinking, and doing processes around Spaceship Earth for preventing and eliminating existential threats such as global warming, climate change, and nuclear war.  

Ego states are states of being including thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, feelings, gestures, body language, and other signals determining how people come across with others in communication episodes, whether parent-like, adult-like, or child-like, in all kinds of situations.  People switch ego states depending on who they are communicating with and what sort of circumstances they are in, whether they are parenting, working, socializing, teaching, having fun, playing Games, or whatever.  They transmit messages from three ego states in themselves to three ego states in others in pair vectors, Parent-Parent, Adult-Adult, Child-Child, Parent-Child, Child-Adult, Adult-Parent, or whatever possibility.  These transactions are especially meaningful in situations in which there is some sort of authoritarian system involved, such as parents parenting children in homes, teachers teaching students in schools, or bosses bossing subordinates in a business or political organization, which normally entail primarily Parent-Child transactions. In general however the more Adult-Adult transactions there are the better things go in families, schools, businesses, and political organizations. 

Script messages are transmitted socially and psychologically as I have shown and explained with diagrams in my books. Unfortunately I have not shown one of these diagrams in this article, having not invested time and energy to get jpeg pictures of them made and get them posted to my computer desktop to download into this WordPress program. Ah, the joys of desktop publishing. Yeah, right, I probably am a little lazy. If you want to see what a transactional analysis script diagram looks like right now scroll to the top of this page and click on ELR Editor’s Daily Shares. You can see a picture of a TA script diagram in the assemblage of pictures on the top left of the page that will pop up, having been accepted by my Facebook program in a non-jpeg format.

A TA life script diagram shows the three stacked Parent, Adult, and Child ego state circles representing parent, adult, and child ego states for each parent and child. The solid lines in the diagram denote overt spoken social messages and dotted lines denote covert psychological unspoken ulterior messages.  Social messages are verbalized overt auditory messages; psychological messages are covert non-spoken ulterior messages transmitted by body language, emotional states, and after the fact positive or negative stroking as people react to situations and feel and do things.

Scripts in families are created automatically when parents transmit various messages to their children from various ego states socially and psychologically, in and out of awareness.  Scripts are life plans are generally decided before the age of eight by offspring based on script messages transmitted to them by their parents and others.  Since parents by and large transmit the same script messages that were transmitted to them before they were eight years old script messages in families can remain intact for many generations.  According to transactional analysts script decisions made before the age of eight have lasting effects determining three general life outcomes:  winner, loser, and non-winner.  These decisions can be redecided and updated later in life but it’s not easy for most people. 

Psychological Child-Child ego state script injunctions are what cause the most trouble for people in their lives.  These script injunctions forbid appropriate behavior in the here and now. Script injunctions are caused by emotional and behavioral requirements created by families through time as they adapted to and coped with problems and environmental forces that may have been appropriate in past environments, but which are inappropriate and ineffective in different here and now environments. 

Opposing script messages transmitted by parents can put a child in a Not-OK bind in childhood and throughout adolescence, assuming a divorce has not already occurred, causing considerable trouble within a family, since the child cannot please both parents in the presence of both parents, which can put parents in worse Not-OK positions if the child makes a decision about which parent is right, increasing Not-OKness in the family system as a whole.  

What many people need is psychological permission to violate and ignore their psychological outdated obsolete family Child ego state script message Injunctions, not only to increase their own OKness but the OKness of all living members of the family system, and the OKness of Earthian humans in general.

Two common family script Injunctions in most cultures are Don’t Think about the true nature and causes of states of affairs and Don’t Feel certain feelings, such as mad, glad, sad, and scared, when certain things happen in certain environments.

Joe Biden at least socially comes across projecting an I’m OK–You’re OK life position. Donald Trump on the other hand came across socially and psychologically projecting an I’m OK, my buddy is OK, nothing else is OK, and we are going to make the world pay life position.

Here is what Martin Groder, MD, one of my transactional analysis mentors at Chapel Hill, NC in the late 1970s, the best mentor I ever had, thought about life positions in what I called Martin Groder’s People Map, in a passage I wrote and published in 2011 in my book Business Voyages: Mental Maps, Scripts, Schemata and Tools for Discovering and Co-Constructing Your Own Business Worlds, pp. 148-150:

“The Human Spectrum”

“Humans generally give little thought to what kind of human they are and where they fit in the spectrum of various types of humans. Innumerable philosophers, psychiatrists, social scientists, preachers, priests, writers in various fields, and other types have described and categorized humans in various ways. Following is a schema developed by Martin Groder, MD, a psychiatrist, organizational development consultant, and entrepreneur, who also had an undergraduate degree in physics (Groder, 1977). Groder developed this schema while working with maximum security inmates of the federal prison system at Marion, Illinois in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. He was involved in a process of changing hard-core criminals into law-abiding citizens. Such a process would challenge the abilities of the most skillful and powerful of change agents.

“According to Groder, humans vary on two fundamental spatial dimensions. One dimension is Okness, which he estimates on the horizontal axis of Figure 1 (sorry, I could not get the Figure 1 image to copy and paste here, so you’ll just have to imagine it); the other dimension is the energy level of the individual estimated on the vertical axis of the space.

“People vary in terms of how OK they see, feel about, and experience, (1) themselves, (2) the other individual, (3) their group, (4) other groups, and (5) the world. In Groder’s terms, they are OK or not-OK with respect to I, You, We, They, and It (the world). Groder estimates how OK they are on each of these five existential dimensions on a scale of -1 to +1, -1 being as not-OK as possible and +1 being as OK as possible. Thus people with extremely high self-esteem would be at the +1 level regarding themselves; someone with extremely low self-esteem would be at the -1 level regarding themselves. People could exist at any level in between, at -.5, 0, +.25, etc. The same would be true of the positions of specific individuals with respect to buddies on a one-to-one basis, groups with which one belongs, other groups with which your group cooperates or competes, and the world in general. Summing the 5 existential OKness positions for an individual (I, You, We, They, and It), the highest possible OKness rating would be +5 and the lowest possible would be -5. A +5 person would have the highest possible feelings of Okness regarding his OKness, the OKness of his buddy, the OKness of his group, the OKness of other groups, and the OKness of the world. Such an individual would have very positive feelings and thoughts for self and others. On the other end of the spectrum, a -5 person would have the lowest possible feelings and thoughts for self and others. Very negative people tend to end up in prison. Very positive people tend to end up cultural heroes. Probably the most profitable attitude for an entrepreneur in a capitalistic economic system would be I’m OK, my employees are OK, my company is OK, the world is OK, but my competitors aren’t worth a damn, since this attitude would motivate his or her sales employees to steal business from competitors to increase the profit of the company.

“Entrepreneurs have higher energy levels than middle managers and normal people. It takes less energy to be a normal person than anything else. Entrepreneurs in Groder’s schema have approximately the same energy level on the vertical axis of Figure 1 as Monsters, the -3 OKness level convict leaders of other convicts. Monsters have the attitude “I’m OK, my buddy is OK, but everything else is not OK, and I am going to make the world pay.” According to Groder, it’s more difficult to change the energy level of a human than the OKness position. In rehabilitation work, Groder attempted to arc people across the gap of Figure 1, and make +3 OKness level entrepreneurs out of -3 monsters, +2 OKness middle managers out of -2 OKness creeps, slobs, lunch buckets, etc. Sometimes people arc across the gap the other way. Honest entrepreneurs can turn criminal. Entrepreneurs are winner-survivors; Monsters are loser-survivors.”

The trick to it all is setting appropriate goals and objectives, planning to do what you really want to do, can do, and should do given your natural abilities, scripting, and education, and the requirements and options of your environment that will produce satisfaction for you. How much money you get your hands on in the process beyond a certain level necessary to satisfy physical needs for food, clothing, shelter, and good health is irrelevant, if you aren’t addicted to playing psychological Games as compensation for poor scripting, in my opinion.

Without doubt Trump has a high energy level, but his OKness life position may be -3 or lower. Whether he’s a winner-survivor or a loser-survivor remains to be seen. Seems to me he has made his plight worse doing what he has done since losing the 2020 USian presidential race fair and square, such as his scripted telephone performance threatening and demeaning the Georgia Secretary of State and the Georgia Governor, not to mention all the honest hard working public servants who did their jobs well conducting the Georgia election. How seventy million or so USian voters could have voted in the first place for someone with Donald Trump’s kinds of personality and behavioral dysfunctions amazes me. This implies there might be seventy million loser-survivors in the US.

Trump had a hard life psychologically and emotionally undergoing his family scripting in his early years, despite what the billions of dollars he got his hands on could buy, including the USian presidency, resulting from leveraging about four hundred million dollars of family money he inherited.

No kind of economic or political system will work for everyone if bad guys get control of them at the top, which is why Georgians voting for Warnock and Ossoff for the US Senate in Georgia was so important, making it possible for Dems to pass with a party line vote in the US Congress the Covid Relief Act of 2021. One of the worst bad guys still at the top of the USian government right now is Mitchell McConnell, the Repug Not-OK now-minority leader in the USian senate, thankfully no longer the majority leader in control of the US Senate. If Warnock and Ossoft had not gotten elected….

In my opinion it’s not that Dems are paragons of virtue, intelligence, fairness, and compassion for all USians and Earthians but it seems to me right now they really are the lesser evil in USian politics. In my opinion they should have elected Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren as president and vice president nominees in the 2020 primary races. Had they it seems to me Earthian humans would now be living in happier days than they are; but no one could prove that beyond a reasonable doubt. Trump might have beaten Bernie in the general election based solely on personality factors. Kurt Vonnegut once made an an astute comment about how awful it was for him to wake up one morning and realize his senior class in high school was now running the country.

I became a certified transactional analyst in education and organizations, a CTA, after passing written, oral, and experiential comprehensive exams administered by the International Transactional Analysis Association in 1978, after undergoing three years of once-a-month training, all day Saturday and half of Sunday, at the Southeast Institute at Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

I have covered ego states and scripts in my books Business Voyages  and Born to Learn: A Transactional Analysis of Human Learninglisting common Parent ego state script messages and Child ego state injunctions.  All parents do not transmit the same script messages creating considerable variety among family scripts and outcomes.  Certain life scripts conveniently fit certain roles, jobs, professions, careers, and what have you more than others, providing fresh recruits already scripted for job openings, slots, roles, and positions in an economy, which is fine so long as the economy does not change very much.  Unfortunately in recent years in the United States the offshoring of high wage blue collar jobs to foreign low wage countries and the use of more and more automation has rendered many family scripts obsolete. 

Unfortunately, a bitter pill to swallow found embedded in my books Business Voyages and Born to Learn is that everything that happens is either predetermined or accidental, as the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein postulated in his book of propositions, Prototractatus; and therefore no one is to blame or praise. Believing and acting otherwise will simply perpetuate the same sorry I’m OK–You’re Not OK life position that has bedeviled humankind since time immemorial contributing to if not causing repeats of historical abominations such as genocides, wars, economic depressions, famines, mental illnesses, and social collapses.

For more information regarding my use of Transactional Analysis  to create better discussion groups and democratic processes see my book Born to Learn:  A Transactional Analysis of Human Learning. 

For more information on how to co-construct better organizations and economic systems using transactional analysis see my book   Business Voyages:  Mental Maps, Scripts, Schemata, and Tools for Co-Constructing Your Own Business Worlds

See my article “The Evolution of Spaceship Earth, Inc,”   for some management science ideas on how human Earthians might eventually co-construct an economic system that is viable and satisfying for everyone aboard Spaceship Earth, making it possible for all Earthian humans to develop an I’m OK–You’re OK life position. 

This entails Earthians peacefully reducing through natural attrition the human population aboard Spaceship Earth, never doing work that machines can do better, and delegating the day-to-day management of systems for scheduling, producing, and distributing the necessities of life to artificial intelligence programs and supercomputers.

This can be done using linear programming based on the general algorithmic matrix algebra form

Max CjXj, s.t. AijXj ≤, =, or ≥ Bi

As I explained in “The Evolution of Spaceship Earth, Inc.”  

Flying aboard an airliner about to land at night moving at four hundred miles an hour at thirty thousand feet with cloudy and rainy weather below, which would you rather have landing the plane, the plane’s radar and computer system or the pilot and co-pilot, seeing nothing out their windows but clouds and lightning?

I am indebted to Buckminster Fuller for teaching me in his book Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth the metaphor in the above paragraph and planting seeds for other ideas in my essay “The Evolution of Spaceship Earth, Inc.,” such as computers being the best hope for mankind and humans not doing work that machines can do better, being paid to think instead with what Fuller called mind grants. To my knowledge Fuller was the inventor of the appellations Earthian and Spaceship Earth.   

For details regarding my transactional analysis and management science qualifications see my RJS Academic Vita at .   

Learning De-Gamers

In case you might be wondering what the flat circular object under my left hand is in the picture above, it’s a Classroom De-Gamer™ I invented.  It has a spinner attached and there are concentric circles of numbers around its circumference to accommodate different numbers of students in classes. Each student gets a number and whoever’s number gets selected when the spinner is spun gets to be the leader of the moment leading a discussion of assigned reading, mostly factual cases in my courses. As you can see in my academic vita by clicking on the ELR Editor’s Academic Vita tab at the top of this page, I have published some professional journal articles and book chapters explaining how Learning De-Gamers de-Game psychological Games in learning situations. They will work in any situation in which there is teaching and learning going on, parents and children in homes, teachers and students in schools, bosses and employees in businesses, leaders and members in groups and organizations. Basically Learning De-Gamers cathect all Ego States in all participants and drastically reduce Rescuing, Persecuting, and Victimizing among participants, focusing Adult attention on solving relevant problems and issues not winning psychological Games. I used a Learning De-Gamer in all my classes for thirty-five years producing management learning with university students, and I used one on an as-needed basis over a five-year period consulting with a large manufacturing corporation discussing current problems with participants from all functions and levels of the plant in small mixed groups of ten or so participants, in a plant with several hundred employees, getting individuals out of their functional silos to discuss with others interrelated plant problems. I wrote about this experience in my ebook Recommendations for Waking Up From the American Nightmare, at .

Learning De-Gamers facilitate a democratic way of teaching and learning involving sortition wherein everyone involved is OK with an equal shot at being the leader of the moment, a process ancient Greeks used to create democratic government during one of the most OK periods of Earthian human history, it seems to me. I think sortition and Learning De-Gamers should be used around Spaceship Earth today in as many teaching and learning situations as possible, including governmental legislative groups, especially in the USian House and Senate.


As usual this month’s THE EARTHIAN  links and cites as SOURCES recent articles written and published by clear deep-thinking hard-hitting independent writers on various Earthian states of affairs.

Some Game playing goes on in the articles, i.e., a writer is psychologically persecuting, rescuing, or victimizing someone, but it seems to me the writers are generally trying to paint accurate pictures of what they think is really going on.

Unfortunately it seems to me one can build a case politicians spend most of their time playing psychological Games, mostly wasting their time and energy pastiming (bullshitting) and engaging in rituals (shuffling paper, filling out unnecessary forms, attending useless meetings with lawyers and others, and the like), running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Almost everything done in so-called foreign policy is a move in a psychological Game it seems to me.

It’s not easy, impossible some say, to separate relevant from irrelevant focal points in order to comprehend global cases, systems, and processes, while being inundated with fake news and true facts of states of affairs generated daily around Spaceship Earth, made public on the Internet, and elsewhere, to see what’s really going on, using primarily inductive and analogical reasoning, based on probability, not deductive logic. Almost never can anyone prove with deductive logic that a general proposition about psychological, social, economic, or political states affairs is absolutely true. About the best humans can hope for is to develop consensual answers that are generally acceptable and true based on probability.

It’s better to be honestly wrong than dishonestly wrong. Telling someone something you know is fake as if it were true is worse than telling someone something that’s fake because of genuine ignorance. A good case in point these days is most USians calling FICA insurance premium payments “payroll” taxes. It’s hard to know if sayers calling FICA payments payroll taxes really do not know any better or if they really do know better but are overtly lying about it go along with the crowd to get political brownie points for conforming to a group lie.

It seems to me most lying is lying by omission, people not telling people things they know are true that others need to know. Whether lying by omission is more or less harmful than lying by commission, telling people things you know are false and fake, is debatable, as is proving whether it’s getting easier or harder for most people to know what’s fake and what’s not. Political parties, Earthian governments, and Mainstream media lie by omission with alacrity, information about the Julian Assange case being a case in point.

If you have ideas on how to democratically discuss in Game-free ways economic and political problems and opportunities in something like the Ogeechee Economic Forum go to our RESPONSES page and let us know about them at .

Feel free to respond with comments and criticisms about any of the SOURCES listed below using the RESPONSES post on this blog masthead at the top of this page; but please refrain from making ad hominem attacks. Criticize and correct any of the facts, data, evidence, reasoning, and conclusions in any of the articles; but please refrain from slandering and defaming the characteristics and reputations of the authors illogically using slanderous or defamatory comments trying to prove their arguments and conclusions in their articles are wrong, and yours are right.

I do not sell subscriptions or advertising or solicit donations for THE EARTHIAN or the Effective Learning Report but I would like to sell more books. If you feel you’ve gained value from THE EARTHIAN and would like to reciprocate go to our Effective Learning Publications page and purchase one or more copies of my books at .

FOR A FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO THE EFFECTIVE LEARNING REPORT AND THE EARTHIAN: Email [email protected] and enter the word Subscription on the subject line.     

Feel free to forward, share, post, print, or otherwise circulate this edition of The Earthian any way you see fit.  

Richard John Stapleton, PhD, CTA, certified transactional analyst, educator, octogenarian emeritus professor of management, writer, editor and publisher.   


March 18, 2021

It would be interesting to say the least.

“‘Soul-less’ Putin Challenges ‘Killer’ Biden to a Live Debate,” by Tyler Durden, ZEROHEDGE,

March 18

A good idea

“Sanders’s Bill Would Hike Taxes on Big Corporations That Pay CEOs Over 50 Times More Than Median Workers,” by Jake Johnson, COMMONDREAMS,

March 17

Never saw nothin’ like this before

Robots at Work Inside a Mercedes Factory, Skeffa Chimoto,

March 17

Seems right to me

“Racially Motivated Extremists, Militias Pose Most Lethal Domestic Threat, Report Finds,” by Warren P. Strobel and Rachael Levy, WALL STREET JOURNAL,

March 17

Assuming Ellsberg is correct in this article, the US already is a de facto military dictatorship, still pretending to be a democracy.

“Daniel Ellsberg Talks About Whistleblowing, The Pervasiveness of Official Lies, and The Dangers of The Espionage Act”, authored by Matt Taibbi, TK News, ZEROHEDGE,

March 17

Might be spot on; but one reason why this would not happen is that Earthian humans would make structural changes in their social, religious, economic, and political systems successfully dealing with the causes of today’s confluence of dire problems. What the probability of this happening is is anybody’s guess. Also gold, however valuable it might be in terms of whatever the Spaceship Earth reserve currency becomes if the Earthian ecosystem collapses, due to global warming and climate change or nuclear war, won’t do you much good if there is nothing to buy with it.

“Getting Ready for Gold’s Golden Era,” by Matthew Piepenburg, MATTERHORN ASSET MANAGEMENT,

March 17

USian Dems and Repugs formulating foreign policy are like Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum in Alice in Wonderland.

“Biden Persists with Failed Venezuela Policy,” by Ramzy Baroud, CONSORTIUM NEWS,

March 17

Hard to believe

“There are More Socialists Than Democrats or Republicans,” by Ted Rall, COUNTERPUNCH,

March 17

Almost no real stories about immigration to what is now the US have ever been told in any detail in USian schools to more than a smattering of students. The fact is most people in the US are descended from immigrants who came to the USian part of the American continents to escape poverty in the countries they came from caused by individual and collective irresponsibility and malfeasance in those countries, primarily over-fecundity and over-population, but also political and religious corruption, superstition, persecution, and strife.

“The Real Irish American Story Not Taught in Schools – Zinn Education,” by Bill Bigelow, ZINN EDUCATION PROJECT,

March 17

Scorched earth my ass. Get rid of this repug thug once and for all at Kentucky ballot boxes.

“McConnell’s Warning of a ‘Scorched-Earth’ Senate is an Empty Threat,” by Erin Levitz, INTELLIGENCER,

March 17

Probably another sexually frustrated young male gone berserk. The fact this shooter targeted three Asian businesses and killed six Asian women probably proves his motives were caused by sexual and racism problems.

“8 Dead in Atlanta Spa Shootings, With Fears of Anti-Asia Bias,” THE NEW YORK TIMES,

March 16

Pretty much what we have been experiencing as time goes by. No USian citizen is smart enough to understand this drug bill crap in detail without spending untold hours trying to figure it out, listening and responding to robots and so-called menus on the telephone, trying to talk with a human about the problem at responsible insurance companies. How much politicians have been bought off by pharmaceutical companies is also hard to fathom. All we seniors know for sure is that our out of pocket pharmacy bills (copays etc.) for glaucoma, blood pressure, and other maladies keep going up, taking ever larger shares of our total disposable income, even if we have health insurance. It appears the pharmaceutical companies have no mercy for those held over a barrel, who have to go blind, get crippled, die early, or pay up, whatever they say.

“Perfidy Meets Putty – Congressional Democrats Betray Voters,” by Ralph Nader, COUNTERPUNCH,

March 16

“The idea that China or Russia pose a threat to you is so self-evidently ridiculous, so transparently absurd, that the only way to make you believe it would be is to propagandize you, writes Caitlin Johnstone.”

“Countering the Establishment’s Message,” by Caitlin Johnstone, CONSORTIUM NEWS,

March 16

Hopefully they know what they are talking about.

“Phasing Out Fossil Fuels is Possible. These State-Level Plans Show How,” by C. J. Polychroniou, TRUTHOUT,

March 15

“I don’t want you telling me to go back to Africa unless you going back where you come from…”

A Compelling Photo and Statement of Fannie Lou Hamer, by Nancy Davis-Sanders, RJS Facebook,

March 15

More authoritarianism may be inevitable. If so let’s hope it will be a benevolent authoritarianism, which seems possible if humans delegate control of economic and political affairs and operations to computers and artificial intelligence at the top. Given human historical experience I do not have any hope for individual humans making wise and fair economic and political decisions at the top of society. It seems historically all top dog decision makers became corrupt one way or the other given the opportunities and freedom they had at the top of their societies in their lofty positions to gratify their personal human egotistical needs and wants, irrespective of the needs and wants of others. Computers and AI do not have egotistical needs, wants, and human weaknesses.

“Expect Government Crackdowns in A ‘Global Depression’,” by Bruce Wilds, ADVANCING TIME,

March 14

Denmark is a democratic socialist/capitalist country that works better than the US for all its people. In order for the US to pay its McDonald’s, Walmart, and Amazon workers a living wage those at the top of the USian corporate state would have to take a smaller piece of the total USian economic pie every year. As shown in this picture such workers make $22 per hour in Denmark and have benefits and paid vacations. What gives?

“The Other 98%,”,

March 14

Here’s a way you can learn at low cost how you can improve your performance to increase your satisfactions communicating with others using transactional analysis no matter how bad the economy or the environment might get.

“Transactional Analysis Tutoring,” by Richard John Stapleton, EFFECTIVE LEARNING REPORT,

March 14

Hedges is the first economic, psychological, social, and political writer I have read other than me to advocate sortition in groups, embodied by my Classroom De-Gamer™, shown over and over in my social media picture fifteen years, a spinner to be spun, to democratically select a leader of the moment, to democratically discuss three existential questions: what is the problem? what are the alternatives? what do you recommend?

“These flash mobs pose no threat to the elites unless they build disciplined organization structures, which takes years, and articulate a vision of what can come next. (This is why I support Extinction Rebellion, which has a large grassroots network, especially in Europe, carries out effective sustained acts of civil disobedience and has a clearly stated goal of overthrowing the ruling elites and building a new governing system through people’s committees and sortition.)”–Chris Hedges

“Chris Hedges: Bandaging the Corpse,” by Chris Hedges, CONSORTIUM NEWS,

March 13

Another interesting and probably true story by Eve Ottenberg.

“Leaving Afghanistan by May 1? Alas, Not Likely,” by Eve Ottenberg, COUNTERPUNCH,

March 13

A gruesome tale by Charles Hugh Smith

“The Cannibalization Is Complete: Only Inedible Zombies Remain,” by Charles Hugh Smith, ZEROHEDGE,

March 12

Read at your own risk

“Rabobank: Inflation is Being ‘Hidden’ Because Belief in Our Whole Fantasy System is Collapsing,” by Michael Every of Rabobank, ZEROHEDGE,

March 11


“Economic Growth is the Cause of Climate Change, Not the Solution to it,” by Rob Urie, COUNTERPUNCH,

March 11

Straight talk about where USians are

“The Republican War on America,” by Evaggelos Vallianatos, COUNTERPUNCH,

March 10

Here’s an old style windmill with Texas flag colors painted on the windvane. We had a wooden windmill like this on our farm in 1944. We used to sell sucker rods for such windmills in our lumber yard, Stapleton Lumber Company, at Wolfforth, Texas. Wind was a significant power source for drinking water for cattle and people in Northwest Texas in the 1930s, 40s, and 50s.

“Wind Power Is A Disaster In Texas, No Matter What Paul Krugman Says,” by Robert Murphy via The Mises Institute, ZEROHEDGE,

March 10


“Fears Of A ‘Return Of The 1930s Dust Bowl’ Rise As Record Drought Sizzzles Southwest,” by Tyler Durden, ZEROHEDGE,

March 10

Yes, of course

“Abolish the Filibuster Now,” by William Rivers Pitt, TRUTHOUT,

March 9


“Georgia Senate votes to eliminate no-excuse absentee voting,” by Mark Niesse and David Wickert, THE ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTION,

March 7

“They should have insisted on calling witnesses when they had the chance no matter the risks or how long it took. Nothing was more important than doing everything Dems could to convict Trump in the eyes of all Earthian humans, to send a permanent powerful message proving that democratic consensual truth can rule when threatened and confronted by the lies, machinations, violence, and crime of gangs.

“In this case two hundred or so of the gang members will be punished with fines and jail time for their crimes, but the gang leader got away with his crimes scot-free, thanks to 43 Repugnant Senators voting to acquit, of 100 Dem and Repub senators voting. Seven non-repugnant Republicans voted to convict.”

“The Exemplary USIAN Impeachment Trial of 2021 Morphed into a Tragedy of Wrongdoing,” by Richard John Stapleton, EFFECTIVE LEARNING REPORT,

March 7

Hell of a note. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t. Destroy Earthian human life if you go to nuclear war or destroy the USian economy if you declare peace, lay down your arms, and cooperate.

“Full-Spectrum Extinction,” by Paul Atwood, COUNTERPUNCH,

March 7

Excellent video embedded, a must watch and listen to summary of the situation in Syria. Tulsi Gabbard won the early 2020 Dem primary debates according to Drudge Report polls as I documented in the Effective Learning Report. Now she is no longer in the USian congress.

“Tulsi Gabbard Calls Out The US Dirty War on Syria That Biden & Aides Admit To,” by Aaron Mate at The Grayzone, ZEROHEDGE,

March 7

Say it aint so Joe

“Kroger Opens Fully-Automated Ohio Fulfillment Center As Fears Mount Of Rising Technological Unemployment,” by Tyler Durden, ZEROHEDGE,

March 6

A good history lesson

“March 5, 1857: Dred (and Harriett) Scott Decision,” ZINN EDUCATION PROJECT,

March 6

Because Georgia elected Warnock and Ossoft

“Senate Passes $1.9 Trillion Coronavirus Relief Package,” by Chloee Weiner, NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO/GEORGIA PUBLIC BROADCASTING,

March 5

Is it we have not had inflation yet because most people have gotten poorer and poorer and thus unable to bid up the price of goods?

“One Bank Turns Apocalyptic: ‘The Fed Will Inevitably Move to YCC’ As ‘Rates Are No Longer Anchored’,” by Tyler Durden, ZEROHEDGE,

March 5

Dogs having fun

“Pure happiness,” by Chitra Basarkar, Video, RJS Facebook,

March 4

Without a doubt

“The Pentagon, First, Last, and Always,” by Mandy Smithberger, COUNTERPUNCH,

March 4

Yuk. Just like I thought. Why oh why didn’t they elect Bernie in the 2020 Dem primaries?

“Biden’s Foreign Policy: No Joy in Mudville,” by Thomas Knapp, COUNTERPUNCH,

March 4

Neoliberalism not the way to go, as I have said before

“Skeletons in the Neoliberal Cupboard,” by Thomas Klikauer and Norman Simms, COUNTERPUNCH,

March 4

Caving to the Pentagon or just a war mongerer on his own?

“Senators Move to Repeal Some Presidential War Powers After Airstrikes in Syria,” by Jessica Corbett, TRUTHOUT,

March 4

How bad can it get?

“Louisiana Hunger Strikers–Already in Solitary–Are Being Brutally Punished,” by Frances Madeson, TRUTHOUT,

March 4

This exemplifies what’s wrong with the US government. Rules are passed to favor political parties and persons not to cause efficiency and effectiveness of operations. This penchant for rule-making has turned the process of USian government into a process of Game-playing, rewarding connivers and manipulators, Adapted Child and Critical Parent people, who enjoy adapting to and using petty rules and playing psychological Games, such as NIGYSOB, Now I’ve Got You, You SOB, fostering constant competition and conflict, requiring I’m OK – You’re Not OK life positions to function, almost obliterating Adult ego state objectivity performing their duties, causing an incredible waste of time, energy, and money to get anything done resulting in real improvement for we the people of the US or citizens of Spaceship Earth. As shown in the embedded photo in this article what congress people need to do is use a Classroom De-Gamer™ I invented to randomly select members of committees and leaders of the moment to start Adult discussions of relevant issues, a Congressional De-Gamer to cut down on psychological Game playing that is almost destroying the functioning of congress. All you have to do is spin the spinner. The process is known as sortition. Ancient Greeks used it to create real democracy for free citizens.

“The Exemplary USIAN Impeachment Trial of 2020 Morphed into a Tragedy of Wrongdoing,” by Richard John Stapleton, EFFECTIVE LEARNING REPORT,

March 4

A fine kettle of fish

“Fed Has Left Us With A Bond Market That’s ‘All But Destroyed’,” by Tyler Durden, ZEROHEDGE,

March 3

Right. If you are worth something only if you are working for some sort of boss for wages or a salary what sort of world is this?

Mike Rowe: Everyone is Essential,” by John Stossel, PJMEDIA,

March 3

In my estimation there is greater than a .50 probability Biden will cave to the Pentagon more than Trump did.

“Biden’s Quandary: Proxy Wars and Endless Wars,” by Melvin Goodman, COUNTERPUNCH,

March 3

Aint no fairness in the world

“Latinx Farmworkers Risking Their Lives During COVID Struggle to Access Vaccines,” by Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, TRUTHOUT,

March 3

Goes without sayin’

“To Renew Our Democracy, We Need to Tax the Ultrarich,” by Madeleine Johnsson,, TRUTHOUT,

March 2

And so it goes. Ralph Nader asks a very relevant question.

“Why Didn’t Speaker Pelosi Want Witnesses?,” by Ralph Nader, COUNTERPUNCH,–YILyoxtUTMozP_t9yrvFol8nEA6gAXdWs_TkhgSJ0.

March 1, 2021

How complicated it is. Paul Street speaks at length. and maybe on the mark. We’re in deep doo-doo, no doubt about that.

“The Anatomy of Fascism Denial,” by Paul Street, COUNTERPUNCH,

March 1  

If citizens of France can imprison a former president why can’t USians?

“Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy Sentenced to Prison in Humiliating Corruption Conviction,” by Tyler Durden, ZEROHEDGE,

February 27

Amen. It’s even worse conspicuous consumption than what went on during the Gilded Age. We’re living in an age of capitalism run amok enriching the rich at increasing rates, largely caused by computers and artificial intelligence. We need to find a way to make sure computers and artificial intelligence work for all humans not just those owning the copyrights and patents for computers and artificial intelligence programs.

“We Need Democracy, Not Billionaire Philanthropy,” by Jill Richardson, COUNTERPUNCH,

February 27

As reality sets in

“‘America is Back’: Make the Best of It,” by Andrew Levine, COUNTERPUNCH,

February 27

Whoopee. The deep state is back.

“Joe Biden’s US Foreign Policy: Return to the Old Normal,” by Roger Harris, COUNTERPUNCH,

February 27

Without one shred of factual tangible evidence he did win. Unbelievable. How can anyone lie like this with a straight face over and over again.

“Two-Thirds of GOP Voters Still Buy Into False Claims of Election Fraud,” by Chris Walker, TRUTHOUT,

February 27

Thank goodness the US is not Burma.

“Factory Workers in Burma Are Resisting the Military Coup With Strikes,” by Kevin Lin, TRUTHOUT,

February 27

Oh, the joys of being a billionaire while serving, eating, and drinking hamburgers and coke.

“‘Eventually, The Party Ends’ – Buffett Releases Annual Letter, Repurchases Record $25BN in BRK Stock,” by Tyler Durden, ZEROHEDGE,

February 27

Here we go again with neoliberal policies back in force.

“‘Letting a Murderer Walk’: Leading Dems Outraged MbS Gets ‘Free Pass’ From Biden,” by Tyler Durden, ZEROHEDGE,

February 27

Crimea has always been basically Russian as I understand it. Why antagonize the Russian govt over this? To justify keeping US and NATO troops and bases in the region? What right does Biden have to decree that USians will never accept something?

“Biden Says US will ‘Never’ Accept Russia’s Annexation of Crimea,” by Dave DeCamp, ANTIWAR.COM,

February 26

How much was wasted on this? $1.5 trillion? Think what that could have bought for good causes.

“The U.S. Air Force Just Admitted The F-35 Stealth Fighter Has Failed, by David Axe, FORBES,

February 25

Corruption of the highest order. Trump was the highest paid non-professional golfer in history, paying himself to play golf with federal money on his own golf courses, over one hundred million dollars over four years. Nice work if you can get it. He did not “make” $1.6 billion while he was president. that was gross revenue generated by all his vanity enterprises, hotels, golf courses, etc., some of it not generated by himself counted as expenses to be paid with his govt expense acct. No individual can really “make” money. only the federal reserve and banks can do that, by punching digits into their computers and calling the resulting numbers they loan out money, whether loaned to the fed govt, corporations, or individuals.

“A large portion of the former president’s Trump Organization revenue came from properties that he would often visit during his presidency, according to the report. Mar-a-Lago, the Trump hotel in D.C. and his golf courses in New Jersey, Florida and D.C. were responsible for over $620 million in revenue for Trump while he was in office, and he visited those properties a combined 399 times, says CREW. In all, Trump visited his properties 547 times over his presidency, CREW found in another report.”

Do you think he did not do any sort of work, make decisions, etc., managing those properties on those visits? If so think again. Being president in the White House was a part-time job for him, counting the time he spent entertaining his “rallies” and making tweets, and visiting his properties and playing golf.

“Trump Salary Donation Was Only 0.1 Percent of the $1.6 Billion He Reported Making While President,” by Sharon Zhang, TRUTHOUT,

February 24

Will Biden become a bigger and better war-mongerer with NATO than Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, or Bush I did with NATO? Is NATO and the US the biggest threat to Earthian peace? Ostensibly doing what they do to control oil supplies and other Earthian resources for their chosen people?

February 23

Well done article

“Yemen: The bigger lie,” by Gwynne Dyer, HURRIYET DAILY NEWS,

February 23


“It will take more than dumping Trump to stop the neo-fascists,” by John Wojcik, INTREPID REPORT,

February 22

Let’s hope not

“The Trumps Have Fueled a Far Right Media Monster That Is Not Going Away,” by Mike Ludwig, TRUTHOUT,

February 22

Abolition as World-Making

“At the heart of each of these approaches is a commitment to building community safety and well-being by strengthening capacity for solidarity and standing up to/dismantling white supremacist violence in its many social, cultural, political and economic guises. The transformative power of abolition doesn’t pass the buck to someone else to “take care of things.” It asks us to create the world in which we want to live without relying on white supremacist, patriarchal, heterosexist and ableist structures of violence, exploitation and greed to triage the worthiness of anyone.”

“Jail Won’t Solve White Supremacist Violence. Here’s How to Truly Confront It,” by Kay Whitlock, TRUTHOUT,

February 22

Agree. What is needed is more face-to-face dialectical discussion among people from all walks of life about existential questions, especially in the halls of congress: what is the problem? what are the alternatives? what do you recommend?

“Education won’t stop conspiracy theories,” by Jill Richardson, INTREPREPID REPORT,

February 21

Convicting Trump would have led to his disqualification from ever again holding a USian political office, and this vampire-like MAGA fascist Nazi authoritarian fantasy of his would have figuratively had a wooden stake driven through its sadistic heart. But, alas, his fantasy can now rise again with him as its supreme gang leader, thanks to 43 Not-OK Repug gang members voting to Rescue him in his impeachment trial.

What are grade school teachers supposed to tell their students about this in history lessons?…/…

“No compromising with the GOP cult,” by Robert Reich, INTREPID REPORT,

February 17

Don’t get me wrong. I am not a Marxist, but I do have a degree in economics and I studied Marx’s writings in a history of economic thought course. While I disagree with Marxist thinking less now than I did then for sure I do not advocate any sort of communist revolution. Unfortunately Marx or no Marx there is no doubt that capitalism has not worked for most humans in recent decades, especially in the US where lower and middle income humans have gotten poorer and the rich have gotten richer at an increasing rate, which is a major cause of the social and political unrest and violence USians are experiencing now. Here is what I have been advocating for dealing with Earthian economic, social, and political problems and plights for some time now, in my essays “FreeFairProgressParty” at and “The Evolution of Spaceship Earth, Inc.” at…/

“Capitalism is unfolding exactly as Karl Marx predicted,” by Olivia Goldhill, QUARTZ,

February 16


“Pope Francis declares evolution and Big Bang theory are real and God is not a ‘magician with a magic wand’,” by Alan Withnail, THE INDEPENDENT,

February 13

Rejected by dim Dems in the 2020 presidential primaries, Bernie is now still hard at work as a senator getting thing’s done for working people. What a pity he’s not now president.

“Bernie on the Budget Committee,” by Eve Ottenberg, COUNTERPUNCH,

February 11


“A majority of the people arrested for Capitol riot had a history of financial trouble,” by Todd Frankel, MSN NEWS,

February 8

Rout Logger’s Group: To Save Earthian Civilization is a work in progress. While settings, plots, theories, objects, and narratives in this novel may be loosely analogous to the same that have happened in various realities, the names, actions, and attributions of characters cast herein are fictional. All parts of this novel will be published in the Effective Learning Report at various intervals on the Internet, subject to revision at any time, hopefully culminating in a final print edition offered for sale to the public.

“Rout Logger’s Group: To Save Earthian Civilization, Internet Episode Six,” by Richard John Stapleton, EFFECTIVE LEARNING REPORT,



Here’s a way you can learn at low cost how you can improve your performance and increase your satisfaction dealing with others in humane relationships.

Transactional analysis is a process of self-discipline, sometimes called verbate, the verbal art of self-defense, a set of concepts and tools you can use to help defend yourself, and others, from stress or loss in interpersonal states of affairs.

Humans transact with one another to get their psychological, social, and economic needs met using ego states. The first thing to learn in a TA tutoring session is what ego states are so you can recognize them in transactional episodes. Then learn how to use ego states and different kinds of transactions to increase your chances of participating in transactional episodes that build confidence and self-esteem that lead to success and satisfaction.

This process entails learning what psychological Games are and how to recognize them, and learning about different ways of structuring time.

For TA tutoring contact Richard John Stapleton, PhD, CTA, an educational and organizational specialist in transactional analysis certified by the International Transactional Analysis Association.

Richard is a founder and owner of Effective Learning company, at For more detail regarding his TA experience showing how he applied transactional analysis as a consultant and tutor see his “RJS Academic Vita” at

Tutoring fee: $50 per hour, at Effective Learning Company, 32 East Main Street, Statesboro, Georgia. Masks and social distancing are required.

SUGGESTED READING: Born to Learn: A Transactional Analysis of Human Learning, by Richard John Stapleton at

The transactional analysis tutoring fee is fractional: One-half hour, $25; fifteen minutes $12.50; etc. Present questions in your first tutoring session after reading Born to Learn to get specific tutoring about anything in the book. Most tutorees can gain a working knowledge of TA in one hour of tutoring.

Satisfaction guaranteed: If you don’t think TA will work for you after your first tutoring session you owe nothing for the tutoring.

The Exemplary USIAN Impeachment Trial OF 2021 Morphed into a Tragedy of Wrongdoing


A man sitting at a table in front of a computer.


I agree with Ralph Nader and Bruce Fein in their opinion.

The Impeachment Managers, especially Jamie Raskin, made excellent presentations to the full Senate, clearly and logically building and analyzing their case; but a few cowardly dim Dems made a poor call in the final minutes of the Game behind closed doors, which cost Dems the Game, assuming they really wanted to win, once again selling progressive Dems down the river.

They should have insisted on calling witnesses when they had the chance no matter the risks or how long it took. Nothing was more important than doing everything Dems could to convict Trump in the eyes of all Earthian humans, to send a permanent powerful message proving that democratic consensual truth can rule when threatened and confronted by the lies, machinations, violence, and crime of gangs.

In this case two hundred or so of the gang members will be punished with fines and jail time for their crimes, but the gang leader got away with his crimes scot-free, thanks to 43 Repugnant Senators voting to acquit, of 100 Dem and Repub senators voting. Seven non-repugnant Republicans voted to convict.

Most of the 43 Repugs voting to acquit did so because they thought it would help them get reelected, and/or they were afraid of violence or sanctions against them emanating from their own voters back home, or from Trump himself. They were cowards afraid of being considered a traitor to the Repug gang and cause. So they made themselves traitors to truthful law-abiding humans everywhere by voting to acquit. Repug senators now resemble gang leaders and members more than they do truthful law-abiding citizens.

In this case democratic consensual truth was overridden by yet one more arbitrary Senate rule, that required a sixty percent majority vote to convict a president in an impeachment trial. Why not require a seventy percent majority? Or just a simple majority? It’s as if US senators through time have tried to minimize real democracy in the senate by adopting arbitrary petty unfair rules.

This is not rule by constitutional law; it’s rule by whim and conniving capricious Game-playing, designed to protect the vested interests of political parties, senators, representatives, and presidents who want to keep their jobs. I was taught in history lessons back in grade school that “our wonderful American democracy” was supposed to be governed by elected citizen representatives who would go to Washington for a few years to use their common sense to vote their consciences on various issues and then go back home to live happily ever after managing their farms and businesses. I never dreamed back then that most of them would want to hang out in Washington for a living the rest of their lives.

This exemplifies what’s wrong with the US government. Rules are passed to favor political parties and persons not to cause efficiency and effectiveness of operations. This penchant for rule-making has turned the process of USian government into a process of Game-playing, rewarding connivers and manipulators, Adapted Child and Critical Parent people, who enjoy adapting to and using petty rules and playing psychological Games, such as NIGYSOB, Now I’ve Got You, You SOB, fostering constant competition and conflict, requiring I’m OK – You’re Not OK life positions to function, almost obliterating Adult ego state objectivity performing their duties, causing an incredible waste of time, energy, and money to get anything done resulting in real improvement for we the people of the US or citizens of Spaceship Earth.

As this televised invasion and Impeachment Trial made clear and obvious, tremendous energy is required to get anything done in Washington because the rules of the Game have been rigged in all sorts of ways to protect the vested interests of various individuals, groups, and organizations, almost destroying real democracy in governmental operations. Consequently what is needed in the US Congress is something that will eliminate most of their arbitrary petty rules and master-servant processes that limit real democracy. Rather than waste time trying to rig committees and elections to give various members unequal power, such as the obscene unfair power possessed by the villainous and treacherous Mitchel McConnell as the Senate “majority” leader, the now-“minority” leader, what they need to do is use a Classroom De-Gamer™ I invented such as the one demonstrated above. Give each member of Congress a number, and when openings on necessary committees arise or discussions of bills need to be conducted spin the spinner and select new committee members or a member to start a discussion in a group, wherein all members have an equal chance to say what they think about problems, alternatives, and recommendations, using their common sense, after the randomly-selected De-Gamer-selected leader of the day decides to stop talking. That would create real democracy and eliminate most of the psychological Game-playing that wastes untold time, money, and energy day in and day out managing states of affairs of the US Government, which are now in considerable disarray considering all branches around Spaceship Earth.

Based on what I saw and heard on TV in shots of halls, offices, and other rooms in the Capitol Building, and in commentary, watching the insurrection and the impeachment trial start, escalate, and play out, it seems to me today’s senators and representatives plodding about in and occupying the halls, offices, restaurants, pubs, gyms, beauty shops, and other rooms of the Capitol Building ought to enjoy their habitation and its amenities and perks, catered to by hundreds of excellent well-trained servants. The architecture, paintings and other art objects, overall decor, and intricate details of the building are exquisite and awe-inspiring. Several people on TV during the invasion and impeachment trial remarked about how easy it is to get lost in the Capitol Building, containing hallways heading in various directions at various angles, secret rooms and what have you, in a linked labyrinth. It’s no wonder gang leaders needed to take reconnaissance tours of the place allegedly led by senators or representatives the day before the invasion in order to be able to find specific senators and representatives they wanted to capture, once they broke into the building. One capitol policeman was clever enough to trick invaders into following him down a wrong hallway instead of knocking down a door where the invaders were, behind which several congresspeople were hiding. It’s likely the anger of the loser-survivor gang invaders of January 6, 2021 was to some extent caused by envy they felt for winner-survivor congresspeople.

Mark Twain in his time said the US Congress was the largest criminal class in the world. Many of the January 6 gang invaders thought much the same about today’s Congress members, having been primed to hate them by their supreme gang leader, former president Trump. On the bright side, senators and representatives might now have less concern than they did about getting reelected, since they now know violent gangs can break into the Capitol Building in broad daylight. They might now think running a boring farm or business back home might not be so bad after all.

I also agree with this article, “The Capitol Siege Was White Supremacy in Action. Trial Evidence Confirms That,” by George Yancy.

Mainstream TV media generally lied by omission about this white supremacy issue during the invasion during the early stages. I told my wife I have yet to see a single non-white face in the crowd, but they’re not saying anything about it. It’s also interesting that some of the violent white gang members had no compunction about chanting and saying they wanted to do serious harm to white congresspeople, especially Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence, by violent means, including gunfire and hanging. In some ways they resembled a very large lynch mob.

I watched the whole thing, both the insurrection and the trial, on MSNBC, occasionally switching to Fox So-Called News to see what kind of picture they were painting of the invasion and trial for their audience. At times the events were riveting and horrifying; at times the presentations were inspiring and exhilarating, watching the good guys; at times they were disgusting, watching and listening to the bad guys, Trump’s dissembling lightweight lawyers; but the whole psychological Game was sickening and depressing in the end, like watching your team lose an extended days-long Superbowl game by deliberately fumbling the ball on the one yard line as time ran out.

MSNBC did a good job technically showing the Game in real time, the greatest show aboard Spaceship Earth at the time, a massive panoramic extravaganza started, promoted, partially orchestrated, and starred in by one of the biggest con artists of all time, reality-show star Donald T. Trump, surpassing by far the circuses of P.T. Barnum & Bailey. Maybe Trump really is a “stable genius”, a strange and evil genius, a pantomime clown with the vocabulary of a sixth-grader.

This was the sickest part: “McConnell Says Trump ‘Responsible for Provoking’ Attack, After Voting to Acquit; Trump Says MAGA ‘Has Just Begun’.”  

Trump also possesses magical Houdini-like skills extricating himself from seemingly hopeless predicaments, and so far he’s been lucky. McConnell and the other 42 Repug senators voting to acquit and Rescue Trump, despite the facts of the case that were clearly and professionally presented and explained by the very competent House Impeachment Managers, proving beyond a reasonable doubt Trump incited an insurrection against the US government, won the Game for Trump at the end with their 43 acquittal votes, thereby insulting human common sense and decency in a display of greedy, thuggish, disingenuous, despicable, cowardly human behavior, which, thanks to an arbitrary rule requiring a 60 percent Senate majority to convict a US president in an impeachment trial, can now result in disastrous consequences for all USian citizens, possibly anarchy and civil war, leading to military states of affairs in the US resembling states of affairs happening in the Middle East and North Africa in the last seventeen years, with war lords and gangs roaming about the country conquering and controlling whatever they can as long as they can.

If so, hopefully the USian military will be more successful fighting a “war on terror” inside the US than it has been fighting a War on Terror outside the US.

Since January 6 internal agitations between political gangs and between political gang leaders and political gang members in the US now resemble more and more the internal agitations of war-torn Game-playing countries in the Middle East and North Africa, aided and abetted in some cases by the Game-playing USian government and its military forces, ostensibly to spread and preserve “democracy” around Spaceship Earth, to control oil supplies for chosen people in NATO countries and elsewhere, and to preserve faith in the “American” dollar as the Earthian reserve currency in international trade.

Regardless of what common sense might tell you, a 57 percent majority of the US Senate voting to convict Trump was not good enough to really convict him. Trump was three votes away from conviction, a very narrow Houdini-like escape from his much-deserved condemnation.

Convicting Trump would have led to his disqualification from ever again holding a USian political office, and his personal vampire-like MAGA fascist gang in the US, containing probably at least thirty million true-believer loser-survivor followers, would have figuratively had a wooden stake driven through its hard heart. Instead, tragically, because 43 Not-OK Repug gang members and leaders in the US senate Rescued Trump with their acquittal votes to win the psychological Game, Trump and his gang members can now continue to threaten, harass, and recruit Victims inside the US, as they try once again to install an authoritarian fascist regime in the US, with Trump as president in 2024, depending on the verdicts of civil and criminal trials Trump faces in the meantime. May the 43 Repug senators voting to acquit Trump, thereby Rescuing him in this monstrous psychological Game, live in infamy for their flagrant discounting of facts, common sense, consensual truth, and human dignity.

What are grade school teachers supposed to tell their students about this psychological Game in Usian history lessons?


Richard John Stapleton, PhD, CTA, certified transactional analyst, educator, octogenarian emeritus professor of management, writer, editor and publisher at Effective Learning Company.

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Rout Logger’s Group: To Save Earthian Civilization is a work in progress. While settings, plots, theories, objects, and narratives in this novel may be loosely analogous to the same that have happened in various realities, the names, actions, and attributions of characters cast herein are fictional. All parts of this novel will be published in the Effective Learning Report at various intervals on the Internet, subject to revision at any time, hopefully culminating in a final print edition offered for sale to the public.

Copyright 2020 by Effective Learning Publications. All rights reserved. No part of this novel may be copied or printed on paper without permission. Share on the Internet as you wish.

To refresh yourself about what happened in earlier episodes, go to the following website addresses:

Internet Episode 1,   

Internet Episode 2,

Internet Episode 3,

Internet Episode 4,

Internet Episode 5,

A list of names of forty cast members with a short biographical blurb about each is presented in Internet Episode 1.





The Truther Selected Martin as the rooster crowed

Martin–Here we are in the Heart of Texas, or should I say in the heart of Texas traffic.  I don’t think I have ever seen such a tangled mess of traffic in my life, cloverleaf intersections and entrances and exits everywhere.  I’m lucky I took a cab in from the airport.  I can’t imagine how anyone could learn to get around in this mess of highway mazes.  I never realized Dallas was as large a city as it is.  On the other hand, once you get into the hotel, it’s like we are home again.  One central city hotel is about like another. 

As a religious studies professor it seems to me the biggest problem right now is people not having a firm set of anything they can believe in, something to put their faith in, not knowing whether there really is a god, and if so, what kind of god. It seems to me the alternative prescriptions are all authoritarian, dogmatic and doctrinaire, telling people not to question what the bible says. On the other hand, can humans develop some sort of non-authoritarian god , a non-anthropomorphic god, with no human characteristics, that does not care for anyone personally or human relationships, who merely creates certain scientific principles and phenomena, such as what we can see, hear, and feel in the physical world, the verifiable world of cause and effect, somewhat akin to the great  spirit of native peoples on north America, as mentioned in that article Rout made us read during our last session. 

It seems to me this is what is most akin to what is really going on in reality.  I have not seen one scintilla of evidence with my own eyes that any sort of god has ever told anyone to do anything or who has ever done anything because of having been asked to do something in any sort of prayer.  Thus there is no way to have any sort of human-like relationship with any sort of god.  On the other hand one can believe in and have faith in the laws of nature.

This kind of god created by humans themselves would simply be a human spirit that infuses humans with confidence and courage, and an ability to see reality for what it is.  This god is similar to what was recommended in ‘The Evolution of Spaceship Earth, Inc.’  This is what I recommend today, that humans evolve such a god and spirit and forget about heaven and hell and dogma and doctrine and authoritarian threats.

Ellen–I am inclined to agree with you, Martin.  On the other hand, I do not believe most people would take this view.  Most people have been so ingrained with authoritarian religious notions and threats of everlasting hells and such, and even physical punishment on earth, such as beheadings, floggings, and stonings, and the like that they would never go along with this. Some people even remember that humans were burned at the stake for not believing certain religious dogmas and doctrines not too many years ago.

Margaret–As a civil servant for the government I can tell you in our current political culture you had better keep your mouth shut about such things when at work and at most places or you can damage your career.  You might not get fired for talking about such things but you can be punished in other ways, not promoted or not given decent raises.  The best thing to do about religion is not say anything about it in public.

Clarence–As a lawyer it’s interesting to me how religious people especially evangelicals keep trying to cram religious oriented laws down the throats of people, even the idea that there should not be separation of church and state, and god runs everything.  There are those in the US who are just like the Taliban in Afghanistan, who want to turn the US into a religious theocracy of some sort.  There are those who think that god should actually run the country. Remember Bush II telling us god told him to invade Iraq? We have had presidents in recent decades, such as Bush II who told the USian people that they actually did things like start major wars because a god told them to.  Now this is really problematic.  Did Bush II actually hear a voice in his head that he really thought was god who told him to go to war?  I doubt it.  Was he lying about this?  Most likely but who could prove it?  The problem is nothing about god can be proved, and consequently manipulators and despots can use the notion of god to manipulate people at will, which is lying of the worst kind, but there is nothing anyone can do about it. Trump does this sort of time all the time, even participating in religious rituals with a sanctimonious look on his face, and later saying to others in private he thought it was pure bullshit.

Napoleon–It’s similar to the don’t ask don’t tell policy of the military regarding homosexuals.  Just pretend it does not exist. Even if you believe it does.  There ain’t no way in hell to win that war.  People have been fighting over religion for centuries and nobody has ever won one yet.  Yet the major religions are as strong financially now as ever.  True enough there are more nonbelievers percentage-wise than there used to be.  I’m not sure about the numbers on this but I am pretty sure most people are not as brainwashed by religion as they used to be.

George–There is no way you can win an election in the US today if you do not pretend to believe, without saying things like god bless you and God bless America and such.  Bush II is a good example.  He got religion here in Texas when he lost an election for a minor post, and vowed he would never get out-Christianed again.  That’s why he started hearing god talking to him in his head, maybe after he gave up drinking.  When you get right down to it religions are like political parties.  People, some people at least, are so fearful of what will happen to them after they die that they will pay money to preachers to save them from hell, and some are so greedy that they will sell their souls on earth to get a better seat in heaven, but most in my opinion join religious organizations to gain political power and support in their communities to satisfy their own selfish day in and day out needs, or to help insure that they are not marginalized or punished in some way.  Joining a church makes people feel more secure, especially politicians, in their daily lives and careers, not only in their presumed afterlives.

Luke–I’ve stood it as long as I can.  I sold my soul to the devil for five thousand dollars a month to come to these meetings and put up with the blasphemy I’ve heard, and I have tried to keep my mouth shut, knowing full well it was hopeless trying to convince you sinners of the error of your ways.  I am now convinced this group is the work of the devil, a plot of Satan conceived in the very bowels of hell, where you people, or at least most of you, most assuredly deserve to go.  I have tried to pray for you and for your immortal souls, but I am losing my patience. You are damned for questioning and criticizing the holy word of the Lord. 

Julia–I wish we didn’t talk about this.  It makes me sick to my stomach. 

Paul–I wish we didn’t too, but we have to.  Who can sit back and watch and listen to what is happening to our world and not say something about what one thinks is the truth of the matter?  For sure some of the most serious hatreds and problems including wars are still being caused by or partly caused by religions and religious beliefs, dogmas, and doctrines.  What is the major cause of war?  I think the main cause is simply a lust for power and arrogance. People not only want to possess power but to have the ability to tell others what to do, bullies fighting other bullies just for the fun of it, but the next major cause of war is poverty, too few resources poorly distributed to satisfy needs, so one group or organization or country is always trying to steal resources from others. It’s built in to society, but religion is a factor since it enables people to get power, as has been discussed today.  What is the solution?  Outlaw religions?  Communist Russia tried that.  Look what happened. They not got poorer and poorer economically while they got politically more powerful developing nuclear bombs and military might, but they wound up getting rid of not only communism but atheism, after realizing shooting off their nuclear bombs would surely result in their own destruction.  Putin and Russia are now as hypocritical about religion as were Russian czars. The place is now run by Putin as a military dictatorship and oligarchy for the rich, using their longtime orthodox religion much the same as Russian czars did to manipulate and exploit serfs before the Russian Revolution of 1917.

Joan–As you know I work for an insurance company and I can tell you religion is not something you want to talk about at work in in a large insurance company.  In fact you don’t want to talk about anything but what you have to talk about doing your job.  Most people who work for a living do not have time to think about religion.  It is not only irrelevant it is unproductive. It saps the productive energy of workers.  One fringe benefit to having a good job like I have is that you do not have time for or any responsibility for even thinking about religion, you are free of it at work.  I think all people should be.



MARCH 2020

Much discussion had occurred on various subjects but it was disjointed and unorganized.  Should Rout start writing some sort of book or report for the donors now letting them know what had transpired?  It was not easy keeping track of all the common threads in the discussions in terms of content, but it was even more difficult to accurately note and assess the changes that had occurred in the personalities of the group members.  The group had become more cohesive and more Game-free and it appeared some of them were now enjoying participating in the discussions rather than just going through the motions.

It was becoming clear the new Corona virus, Covid-19, was a real and serious threat and would cause The Group to cease operations in its current face-to-face format. Rout decided not to open this for discussion in this session. He would let the group members know what the donors had decided to do about the Covid pandemic during the first two weeks of April.

The Truther selected Marshall as the rooster crowed

Marshall–Well, being a weatherman it seems to me the biggest problem today is climate change, caused by human-caused global warming, burning too much fossil fuel. As you know there are no easy answers.  But probably the major problem is that must humans have not accepted the fact that human caused climate change has happened.  Personally, I think it goes back to the religion problem.  It seems to me most people believe a god will solve all their problems regarding the environment.  They do not believe the problem has to be nor can be managed by humans.  They believe since god is all powerful he must want the climate to be the way it is, since he created the earth and all its processes, including the climate.  And to some extent they are right. What power does the average person have to affect the climate working alone? Absolutely none if only a few individuals worked on the problem, but if all humans, all seven plus billion of them now on Earth, worked on the problem they could perhaps help correct the problem, by doing things such as driving cars less or changing their diets to consume less food produced by processes requiring fossil fuel.

Factory agriculture is a problem.  It requires using automated machinery instead of human energy to plant and till crops, machinery requiring the burning of fossil fuel as an energy source and instead of controlling weeds and insects by human energy chemical fertilizers are required, many of which are chemically derived from fossil fuel that has to be heated and processed.

I watched the town hall meeting last night and listened to the democratic candidates giving their opinions on climate change.  I was surprised that most of them agreed that climate change is real and is a threat.  Some of them hammered the point home that humans only have about eleven years before it will be too late to prevent catastrophic consequences, possibly extinction.

As several of them pointed out hundreds of human species are being rendered extinct right now, largely caused by increases in human population.  The human population has about doubled in the last fifty years requiring quantum increases in resources to feed and house them.  If the human population should double again in the next fifty years this alone could insure human extinction and the extinction of most other species on earth, largely because of habitat destruction.

As some of the candidates pointed out humans need to start thinking about Spaceship Earth more and worrying about their nations of origin less.  Selfishly pursuing your own interests as an individual or as a group, especially as a member of a large nation, could cause human extinction.  Selfishness is a major problem. Humans have got to think more altruistically and benevolently or else the end is nigh, or so it seems to me. 

How to get humans to do this it seems to me is a major problem.  This sort of change will require changing not only economic systems and but also religious systems. The capitalistic economic system is basically obsolete. How to shift from what we have now to a viable and feasible economic system is perhaps the greatest problem. 

Quite naturally this is going to require cooperation between nations and much less competition.  I agree with the author of the Evolution of Spaceship Earth that this is the way to go.  I’m not sure however whether we have enough time left for this sort of evolution to naturally occur and correct the problem.

John–it might be feasible to write computer code to use something like linear programming as suggested in the Evolution of Spaceship Earth, that Rout had us read back in the Asheville meeting, but how could you possibly make the required political and religious changes.  In all organizations the biggest problem is not writing computer code to make the organization more efficient but resistance on the part of managers and others who do not want their power an perks to be reduced.  If you look at this problem within countries the problem is horrible.  Can you imagine getting heads of all corporations worldwide and current stockholders within corporations worldwide to consent to turn over their power and perks to computer programmers who would write computer code to determine what and how resources would be used to produce and distribute the necessities of life to all humans around Earth in an optimum manner, including using clean green energy sources instead of fossil fuel.  It would require a massive redistribution of wealth the likes of which has never been seen on Earth before.

Socrates–Right on John. People have a will to power and having power is what makes the world go round.  You can build a case if you were to cut the power of people to this extent it would cause widespread depression, loss of self-esteem, life satisfaction, and whatnot.  What good would life be if there was nothing to work for as goals?  If all you had to do every day was sit around and wait for your dividend checks to get deposited in your bank account what sort of purpose in life would be this be.  In effect there would be no purpose for humans.  Relative to computer artificial intelligence systems they would be worse off than children relative to their parents in terms of dependence and the like.  Buckminster Fuller’s notion that humans should never do work that machines can do better is one of the most dangerous propositions I have ever heard of.

Sam–Yes, but what option do we have but to at least try to bring something of this nature about?  I assure you I will continue to write articles advocating this sort of thing,  the problem though is how do you get people to read such articles?  One of the major problems right now is that there is so much information out there from so many different sources on the Internet that no can possibly absorb it all.  How can anyone have any impact as an individual?  The national security administration right now can capture just about any human transmission that is made electronically, emails, Internet posts, and what have you.  They have a data center out in the middle of a desert capable of storing billions of transmissions daily.  The problem is even using computers they have no way of sifting through the data so as to pick out what is most relevant.  Most writers and social activists are preaching to their own choirs, small numbers of people.

Barbara–As a housewife I feel as if I am a fish out of water here but I will say something.  Most of you people are far more qualified than I am to say things to this group.  But what difference does it make if  you are qualified or not.  Nobody knows anything for sure.  When I am not taking care of my kids or doing chores around the house I do sometimes listen to the news and learn a little about what you are talking about here.  I have no idea what linear programming is and I know nothing about computer programming.  I have no idea how it’s done.  But I can tell you most of what you are talking about here would never be mentioned on the TV programs I watch.  Most people like me are totally shut off from these kinds of questions and issues.  I can’t imagine how anyone like me could possibly be of any value in working these sorts of problems out.  Why would you want to pay me five thousand dollars a day to just sit here and listen and say something about something I have no idea about is beyond me, but so long as you keep on payin’ out the money I have no choice but to keep on comin’ to these meetings.  I need the money for my family.

Albert–I’m with you Barbara, except I am a university professor, not a housewife, a professor of sociology, and I can assure you I am not qualified to write computer programs or depose corporate chief executives or convince politicians we need a new economic system.  But I can say something about class structures which are relevant here.  As Karl Marx pointed out most economic activity is class based, and classes evolved from high to low with a hierarchy and various levels of well-being, prestige and power.  It seems to me so far in history class structures have never been eradicated in societies.  This Spaceship Earth idea involves  a basically classless society, one class of shareholders in a giant monolithic corporation, owning one share of stock, who receive all their necessities of life as a dividend on their one share of ownership stock.  They in effect own Spaceship Earth, which if it were to be implemented today, would entail about seven and one half billion stockholders.   On the other hand, this system would allow humans to do other things on their own in small businesses and careers for additional money and rewards, based on their inherited abilities, whether artistic, athletic, or whatever, or do mundane service jobs for extra money if they wished.  In this sense there would still be a status hierarchy in such a society.  How you would regulate the winners in this process to prevent what the winners do now by exploiting the less fortunate I don’t know.  Would the AI computer system somehow do this.  Some people are now afraid AI robots could become so much more intelligent than humans that they would rule the roost at the top of the status hierarchy, and possibly decide to exterminate some or all humans.  If AI robots should develop general intelligence that exceeds human general intelligence as much as computer accuracy and data processing speed doing mathematical calculations now exceeds human capabilities, then what hope would humans have of ever controlling them? Quite a few smart people are beginning worry about this.

John–Yes, but bear in mind that up to now computers can only do what they have been programmed to do, and they cannot make mistakes.  They have to do what they are told at all times.  Abraham Lincoln said there are two types of people who never amount to much in life, those who cannot do what they are told, and those who cannot do anything but what they are told. Computers and AI up to now fall into the latter category. They are very useful efficient idiots. The issue is whether computers can ever learn to program themselves about something that has not already been programmed into their computer memories.  If they are never able to truly program themselves then if humans make sure they never tell them to do anything antisocial then nothing bad will happen.  At the same time one can also build a case that humans are incapable of programming themselves to do something that has not already been caused to happen in their memories. 

Ellen–I majored in accounting in college and I took some computer courses and learned a little something about programming but nothing we studied was remotely like what you are talking about here.  It is one thing to figure out how much money a business made in one year or what its assets and liabilities are but to think you could develop a system to produce and distribute goods all around Earth in an optimal fashion is off the charts.  I don’t think it could ever be done.

Bubba–I’m with you Ellen. I’m a farmer and I sure don’t want anyone telling me what to produce and who to sell it to.  Why that is pure socialism or communism.  And its un-American. Hell, anybody should know that is nothing but bullshit. Excuse my French.

Hellen–Being a nurse I can tell you no computer can ever take over my job.  Somebody has got to be there face to face to help people when they get sick or hurt.  You can use all the computers you want to diagnose diseases and prescribe treatments but there is no way you can program a  computer to do what nurses do, such as giving someone a shot for example, or taking blood pressure.  Such treatments would be part of the necessities of life, but it could not be allocated or produced by a computer, or would the computer decide who would be given treatment or not, in effect making decisions about who would live or die because of having some sort of disease but who could not have treatment?

Judy–I’m just a housewife too and I can tell you it would be nice for many of us to know that we would be entitled to food, clothing, and shelter because of owning one share of stock in Spaceship Earth.  What would it do? Have it delivered to your door using something like Amazon or Fed Ex.  I’m all for it.  Bring it on as soon as possible.

Andy–I would assume police services would be considered a necessity of life.  How would a computer allocate what us cops do?  Some things just cannot be decided by computers.  Or is it this wonderful computer system would somehow get rid of bad guys.  Would everyone being born rich so they did not have to work eliminate crime?  I doubt it. Some criminals just enjoy being criminals. They do it for the fun of it.  They get bored just sitting around doing nothing.  Seems to me this Spaceship Earth idea would make life boring as dirt.

Adam–It is interesting that the economics profession has historically had very little to say about the problem of boredom.  It was assumed if there were no limited resources that people would have sense enough to figure out how to entertain themselves.  Besides this Spaceship Earth idea assumes certain people would want to entertain others for extra pay.  Are you saying Andy that you think some people can only entertain themselves by committing crimes.

Andy–No, not necessarily, but I am saying I think some people like to commit crimes to entertain themselves.  They get some sort of kick out of it, some sort of psychological charge.

Trudy–For whatever it’s worth I can tell you as a psychotherapist that some people do like to commit crimes to satisfy their psychological needs.  There is a psychological Game called Cops and Robbers that has been identified by transactional analysts.  People get used to certain kinds of strokes for doing certain kinds of things in early childhood, such as being naughty and trying not to get caught.  People play psychological Games of all sorts for stimulus, structure, and recognition.  There is more to life than food, clothing, and shelter.

Martin got selected next by The Truther as the rooster crowed

Martin–It seems to me homelessness is one of the greatest problems in the US and around Spaceship Earth. For sure poverty is the majority cause or symptom but mental illness is also a cause.  Many of the homeless are indeed mentally ill.  The alternatives include constructing better mental health facilities and more treatment centers, and of course programs to eliminate poverty.  President Lyndon Johnson in the sixties in his Great Society program attempted to eliminate poverty in places like Appalachia and elsewhere.  Needless to say it did not work, or at least it did not work for long.  Poverty in the US is now increasing.  Curing poverty entails possibly doing many things, creating more government jobs, infrastructure jobs, requiring raising taxes and cutting military expenses among other things.  But you can also build the case that the capitalistic system is also to blame.  Some stay the solution is more socialism or socialism period.  I agree that we need more government ownership and control, more socialism.  That’s what I recommend.  And for sure I recommend Bernie Sanders for president in 2020.

Thank you Truther for selecting me to start a new discussion.

Marian–I am not sure I agree with you that homelessness is the most serious problem right now. I fully agree it is a serious problem for far too many people.  As a retired school teacher I am one of the lucky ones in that I have a defined benefits pension plan, something that is becoming more and more of a rarity in the US.  Corporations stopped providing them for most workers many years ago.  Thus my husband and I have a better retirement than most people, and we are not particularly worried about homelessness for ourselves.  On the other hand, many older retired people are.  Most of the homeless I am sure do not have even Social Security benefits if they are old enough to be retired.  Almost no one could live on the maximum Social Security benefit payment right now.  But for sure it helps.

I recommend that the government increase Social Security benefits by requiring rich people to pay the full Social Security premium on their full incomes, more than only on up to two hundred thousand dollars per year or whatever it is they now pay. That might be enough to keep Social Security solvent for a long time.  I have no idea whethwe it would be feasible to increase Social Security payments but for sure they need to be increased for most people.

Paul–I agree with you Marian, but the problem is that many people today will never have even the full Social Security benefit however inadequate that might be for retirement income. There are probably millions of people in the US who do not contribute to the Social Security system for a lifetime.  There are people working in the so-called underground economy who are paid in cash.  They are not listed as employed or unemployed with the government or employers.  Many are undocumented migrants.  This ties in with the whole employment problem, which is worsened by automation and AI.  More and more jobs are being taken over by machines. I read just a few days ago that McDonalds has now figured out a way to automate its order-taking process. Someone has invented a robot that can take orders and somehow dispense food. So even these low paid manual labor jobs could be eliminated. Truck drivers are at risk of having their jobs eliminated.  If you eliminate jobs currently requiring humans to drive some sort of motorized vehicle you are talking about a lot of unemployment. 

More and more the Spaceship Earth article Rout had us read in Asheville is becoming more and more relevant.  I have seen several Internet articles advocating basic income schemes.  One of the democratic presidential candidates, Yang, advocates allocating one thousand dollars a month to all citizens, which is more than the Social Security benefits of some citizens who retire now.  While the one thousand a month would help it would not be enough to live on.  The Spaceship Earth plan advocated distributing the necessities of life to all Earthian human citizens which for sure would cure the problem of retirement.  In effect no one would ever have to retire under this scheme since the necessity of life shipments would never cease until death, speaking of which, the article assumes natural deaths will result in a serious lowering of Earth’s human population through time through natural attrition, natural deaths exceeding births, until Earth’s human population reaches a sustainable level.

The overall problem however is horrendous.  What it boils down to is that billions of would-be workers alive around Spaceship Earth are basically unneeded as workers. You don’t need that many manual labor workers anymore.  What you need are thinkers and problem solvers, mind workers, if you will. Buckminster Fuller was quoted in The Evolution of Spaceship Earth as saying governments could eliminate all unemployment overnight by awarding mind grants to all citizens.  And for sure you don’t need that many billionaires, people who don’t work for a living but who travel around and do whatever they want to do thanks to the wealth they have inherited and/or amassed. And you sure as hell don’t need billionaires to provide surplus money for investments, grants, and such. Central bankers can create all the new funny money you need for this by just punching digits into computers and calling the numbers money.

To rationally allocate resources in the short run given where we are technologically and maintain even a semblance of the quality of life and human dignity we have now billions of humans would have to be provided the necessities of life free or the small percentage of humans alive who are currently needed for thinking and problem-solving work would have to sit back and watch billions of humans starve.

On the other hand, it seems to me there is little chance Yang’s idea of even one thousand dollars per month of basic permanent income happening in the US would have a chance of passing anytime soon.  And imagine trying to implement something like this around Spaceship Earth, now populated by almost eight billion humans.

I recommend however at least trying to implement something like Spaceship Earth Inc as soon as possible, which would require a serious overhaul of the capitalistic system.  Just saying we need socialism is tantamount to saying nothing because there is nothing concrete in such a statement, just poppycock and blather.

The Truther selected Sam as the rooster crowed

Sam–Well, it seems to me right now that the biggest economic and political problem around Spaceship Earth is this matter of polarization.  Not only in the United States but around the world people are getting more set in their ways and are getting angrier as their economic and political plights worsen, as their incomes stagnate or go down, as their lives become more and more precarious.  Here we are on the cusp of another global recession or depression, maybe worse than 2007, maybe as bad as the 1930s.  Trump is in the White House and Biden is being touted as the front runner of the Democratic National Committee.  He’s the obvious choice of the corrupt DNC and the Deep State as the Democratic presidential candidate for 2020 to run against Trump.  We will again be faced with the choice of choosing between the lesser of the evils, picked and manipulated to serve the interest of establishment politicians and the deep state. 

Maybe the most worrisome thing is what seems to be increasing anger and tendency to violence between extremists on the left and right.  I read on the Internet that regardless of who wins in 2020 there could be violence and bloodshed.  We have scattered shootings now by extremists or terrorists or whatever you want to call them in the US against other groups.  This sort of thing could worsen after the presidential election in 2020.

Regarding the alternatives for dealing with this I supposed the best thing we can do is resort back once again to the Hope for a Better Day Strategy.  Since there are no known answers at present.  What could be done that has not been tried.  This Game-free seminar approach was supposed to help correct this problem.  Well we have been talking in this group for several months now and I can’t tell it has done one whit worth of good in the broader environment.  Sure we have learned to tolerate one another more in this group given our diverse backgrounds, but what about similar groups in the outside world in the meantime. For sure they have not gotten any better off. Most are locked into their small worlds seeing and hearing the same stuff over and over. We have got nothing but politics as usual and more kicking the can down the road.  Humans not only in the US but in most European countries are following a similar path, and if anything right-wing extremists are gaining the upper hand.  It looks like humans are inexorably heading into a dystopian fascistic world, less freedom, less human dignity, less human security, with global warming and climate change hanging over their heads like a Sword of Damocles.

Of course I recommend that Rout and his donors make public what has happened in this group and spread the word that people can learn to get along better and see the viewpoints of other polarized people better if subjected to a Game-free group such as this one, especially if you pay them five thousand dollars a month to do it.  The problem is where are you going to get the kind of money these rich donors have coughed up for this experimental group.  Sure you can bribe people to get together in a group such as this if you have enough money, but how could this ever happen generally in the real world?  Rich people like being rich and they are not going to willingly give up their riches and power, which they think they honestly won and deserve.

But that’s about all I can think of recommending right now.  For sure I do not recommend any sort of military action.  That has been disastrous in the last five or six decades. All it’s done I can see is cause more and more military expenditures every year. Socialism? Big deal. How is it possible to even dream of making something like this happen anytime soon.  And what is socialism? There is no clear-cut definition of socialism, what degree of socialism etc.  More taxes? Sure raise the taxes of the rich as much as you can, but good luck, since they have already bought off the politicians, and voters keep voting for their friends who will also be bought off in Washington, inundated as it is with billions of dollars of lobbying bribery money flowing around the place like flood water from a massive hurricane. Infrastructure spending? Yes for sure. But where is the money to come from? Yes seriously raise taxes on the rich sending tax rates back to eighty percent or more, but good luck making it happen. Do you want to keep creating more funny money? Money is almost worthless now; seventeen percent of all sovereign debt around the world is now in negative interest rate money. People are loaning their worthless digital money to their governments at negative interest rates just hoping they will get some of it back to buy things with in ten or more years. How fucked up can an economic system get?

So I recommend to you my fellow Spaceship Earth DeGaming group members that you keep taking five thousand dollars for one day’s work or bullshitting as long as the donors see fit to dole it out. And I recommend trying to set up similar groups around Spaceship Earth as soon as possible by any means possible.  The only hope is to create new peaceful consensual answers to new economic and political systems.  What Earthians have now is not working.   

Paul­–I agree with you Sam.  Somehow Earthian humans have to improve their communication systems.  One can build a case right now the Earthian human world is insane.  Most economic and political systems are obsolete and dysfunctional for eighty or so percent of humans alive on earth, but some are satisfied, the rich, and powerful, and the brainwashed, the poor who think believing what they are told is somehow satisfying since they are actually superior to non-believers, believing believing what they believe will cause them to live in eternal bliss eternally after they die.

The only hope somehow is for Earthian humans to construct better educational systems.   And I am not talking about the current school and university educational systems around Earth. I am talking about the total educational process, starting at birth, the whole set of messages humans are exposed to from biological parents and others in their earliest years, and even the electro-chemical messages they receive in the wombs of birth mothers.  Somehow Earthian humans have to be given permission to think about reality itself, from an early age, not just believe what they are told, in many cases told by parents who do not have a clue about what is really going on, and may not care what is really going on, who spend their time watching soap operas, sports and entertainments and distractions of all sorts, political, religious, or Hollywood fantasy.

Luke–Ah, the one and only Paul, the fount of wisdom has spoken. And after several months of brainwashing I must say I am beginning to agree with him.  I must admit I don’t believe like I did.  I mightily fear in my heart of hearts that this might get me sent to hell for losing my faith. I still believe the one true Lord God is merciful. Maybe He will understand how I fell in with this group, knowing how much I needed the money. Maybe he will forgive me since this group made me do it.

Albert–Don’t worry Luke.  I think you will be fine.  One thing no one has brought up in our discussions is that in the beginning there was nothing in the universe except bosons and quarks.  There were no people.  Everything evolved from those basic particles over eons.  Humans came along several billion years after the first bosons and quarks started evolving into higher matter. If we go back to that so what. It will be part of a natural process, global warming or no global warming on Earth, a trivial event in cosmic history.  

As to there being an alternative universe nobody has ever seen before, even with the most powerful telescopes, I doubt there is such.  There is the slightest chance there might be I suppose, but I doubt it. 

Regarding the argument there must be something there or millions of people would not believe like Luke used to believe, it seems to me all religions came about because of the inherent unfairness, precariousness, and banality of human life.  People knew they would inevitably die, which was sad enough, and they knew that pain and misery could befall them at any time. Were they happy? Sure for fleeting moments but most of the time they lived under dread and anxiety, which caused them to fight for more resources than they really needed, trying to steal for gain and power and wealth, and so forth, and it caused them to assume there must be some sort of god-like forces making things happen, so they developed various religious systems.  In my opinion those who imagined there were multiple gods making things happen were more correct than those who imagined there was only one god making everything happen.  Any reasonably bright human would have known that various natural events were causing the plights of various members of their family and community.  Some died of this that or the other, some were killed by wild animals, snakes, and so forth, some were killed by hostile tribes. Some seemed to get through their short lives much easier and better than others. Many people assumed some sort of god must have blessed them, while they thought those who had horrible difficulties and problems probably brought it on themselves one way or another. 

In reality these effects observed by humans were the results of inevitable cause-effect chains existing in infinity.  Most likely there is no free will; if so everything is either accidental or inevitable, depending on how you look at it. Events are like dominoes falling in infinite cause-effect chains. Every event is both an effect and a cause of other events.  Rather than see that some people were merely unlucky enough to be the results of cause-effect chains producing certain diseases and negative events and others were lucky enough to be the result of cause-effect chains inevitably producing good health, good looks, intelligence, wealth, prestige, power, etc., they assumed gods and humans were making these anomalous unfair events happen, and thus various individuals deserved to be reviled, pitied, admired, praised, rewarded, condemned, punished, exterminated, etc. This un-managed unfair process enabled various kinds of power people (priests, preachers, kings, queens, barons, presidents, fascist dictators, corporate CEOs, generals, etc.) with communication skill and charisma to dominate weaker humans who believed power people were chosen favorites of the god(s), and thus were entitled to require weaker humans to hand over to them as their god-ordained rulers labor, food, money, and other necessities of life, for performing rituals and playing psychological Games, i.e. for Persecuting, Rescuing, and Victimizing various kinds of humans, groups, and organizations, practicing mumbo-jumbo.

The best hope for Earthian life is that new and better imagoes, scripts, schemata, and behaviors will be caused in human brains, hopefully causing humans around Earth to implement Game-free democratic I’m OK–You’re OK groups such as this one, that will help change a disastrous mindless master-servant I’m OK–You’re Not OK authoritarian course, that humans around Spaceship Earth have set, heading full-sail into hell on Earth.   


Support Teachers and Supplement Your Child’s Online Learning With These Tips

A person sitting at a table with a laptop.

[Image Source: Pixabay]


Regardless of what shape school takes for your child, be it remote, in-person, or some combination of the two, you’ve probably figured out there are advantages and disadvantages to learning at home. During these uncertain times, many parents have questions about sustaining their children’s mental and emotional well-being, supplementing their education, and accommodating specific needs while also supporting the teachers. We hope the following guidance will help.

Working With the Teacher Helps You and Your Child

You and the teacher share a common goal: providing the absolute best learning experience for your child. Supporting their teacher can give you an even better understanding of your kid while also offering you a chance to partner for your child’s best interest. There are a few things you can do to show your support and appreciation to the teacher.

Be Patient

Being patient and forgiving as the teachers try to figure things out is the best thing you can do. Everything changes rapidly – like guidelines teachers have no control over whatsoever – and because some parents have a hard time understanding this, it can create friction between you and your child’s teachers. Remember, you have a common goal: your child’s education.

It is also essential to check your emails and read them carefully. Because things are always changing, it’s critical to stay updated about what is happening at your child’s school.

Let the Teacher Know If Something Isn’t Working

Many things that are happening in schools and online are new for teachers and students alike, so if you notice something isn’t working, you should speak up. Open communication is crucial, and teachers are willing to work with parents to change how they do things.

‘Thank You’ Goes a Long Way”‹

Write a short thank-you note or an email showing you value them or have your child make a card. Just let the teacher know you appreciate their efforts in a friendly way.

Supplement Your Child’s Education

Depending on your child’s learning style and age, you may need to support them differently; however, you can do a few things – no matter your child’s age and study style – to keep them on track while they are learning online.

Plan a Routine Together

Try to set up a routine that factors in online learning, homework time, and age-appropriate programs to watch online or on TV. Also, include playtime, reading time, or various Look for ways to enjoy these activities together so you can spend quality time with your child.

Have Open Conversations

Encourage your child to ask questions and voice their feelings. Keep in mind that your children will each have a different stress response, so be understanding and patient. You can do this by inviting your child to share their thoughts about something and follow their lead. Also, “‹”‹make sure your child has the materials necessary to complete all assignments, whether it’s a laptop, schools supplies, a Wi-Fi connection, or a PDF reader – whatever they need to complete their work.”‹

Provide an Environment Conducive to Learning

Providing a great environment that helps your child with learning isn’t always easy. If they’re isolated, it can be challenging to check in with them, but if they learn at the kitchen table, for instance, they may be too distracted. It is even more difficult when everyone is at home, and the family is complaining or arguing.

For one thing, tension and clutter can cause major distress. To alleviate these triggers, it’s crucial to make some changes around the home. Open the blinds or curtains to allow in as much natural light as possible; a lack of natural light can negatively impact mood and focus, making you and your child feel tired, which can hamper concentration levels. Decluttering and cleaning can infuse your home with positivity, which in turn helps to relieve stress, eliminate tension, and improve the whole family’s sense of well-being.

Provide Immediate Positive Feedback

“‹Every time your child concludes a distance learning instruction, provide positive feedback. This can be as simple as placing a checkmark or a sticker on the assignment, but it can make a significant contribution in helping to motivate your child.

With a bit of creative thinking and effort by you, as well as your child’s teachers, your child will continue to build their skills, knowledge, and confidence, and have a great learning experience.


Lisa Walker is the proud SAHM (Stay at Home Mom) of two adorable but feisty sons. She enjoys trail hiking and beach-coming with her husband Jake when not busy with her boys and home improvement projects. She created as a passion project to share her love of homeownership with others.



We all can breathe a sigh of relief that Donald Trump is no longer in the White House. Yes, but I am now a bit older than in 2008 when Obama made his way in for a first in Presidential history and along with many others I then felt a sense of satisfaction that America had finally moved on. However, reality did set in as the events unfolded. 

This time around there is no real thrill nor anything but a willingness to make a calm and less than enthusiastic assessment of what America really faces. I think I can categorise into three sections – the knowns – the unknowns – and the in-betweens 


America faces an unprecedented combination of challenges. On the economic front if one is to remove  the blinders, then the country is comparable to 1930s depression days challenges; on the cultural and political front the country is deeply divided – if only one considers the need to have thousands of troops and disinvite the public at large from celebrating the inauguration of their new president; and on the health and medical front America finds that it has had more people who have died from covid-19 than soldiers lost in all of World War 11. These ‘knowns’ are  more than a handful for any President – but there are more to the ‘knowns’ . 

Biden will ( rather already has) reversed via Executive Orders a significant list of Trump era policies.  


There are big issue items for Biden to deal with and these can be but guessed at right now. Troops will remain in Afghanistan and in northern Syria. There may be some reversal on the excesses of Israel in seeking to have East Jerusalem as the unified capital and on-going settlement expansions ( maybe Biden  will seek to rein in these provocations). He is unlikely to comment on the recent Apartheid law which reserves certain offices for Jews only. The fundamental support of the US for Israel will not change otherwise. At a guess the Biden will return to the Iran deal. I assume that Biden will want to restore the Obama era rapprochement with Cuba. 

In- betweens 

I can but gawk at the US approach towards Venezuela in seeking to dictate to the Venezuelan people who should be their president as chosen by the US for them. It remains to be seen whether or not Biden will move in the direction of less bullying towards Venezuela. Note – I said ‘less bullying’ – for I still anticipate bullying to continue – only question is to what degree.  

With regards to China, Biden being a rational person, I assume, will not pursue Trump’s trade war but instead will seek to engage in negotiations with China over trade rules.  


It is the economy and the structural instability which is America’s present really big challenge. I do not see or anticipate Biden doing here what is logical and necessary ( albeit overall I see him as a rational and sensible man). America knows its problem of having a massive deficit and permitting the military-industrial complex to command almost half of its entire budget. The latter exacerbates the former. Yet, each new president continues down that path which  serves well to worsen the overall economic problem. What Biden will do is pump in a massive stimulus package which will serve well to boost the economy and improve the jobs situation.  

My approach would be a 1930s form of stimulus from bottom up; Biden, at a guess, will be closer to a Obama 2008 top down form of injection of funds.  

So there – that is how I see it. 

Congratulations President Biden! 


COURTENAY BARNETT is a graduate of London University. His areas of study were economics, political science and international law. He has been a practising lawyer for over thirty years, and has argued public interest and human rights cases. He has published numerous articles in the Effective Learning Report. He lives and works in the Caribbean