Greetings from Statesboro, Georgia

by Richard John Stapleton

I think our local newspaper the Statesboro Herald put together a great video report last week covering the Martin Luther King parade, the Scottish Heritage Society Robert Burns Supper, Georgia Southern basketball, and last year’s business leader of the year selected by the Rotary Club.

I carried the haggis in for the opening ceremonies of the Robert Burns Supper. As clerk of the Scottish Heritage Society of Southeast Georgia, I was sitting with my wife Debbye at the end of the head table.

Joe McGlamery, president of the Bulloch County Historical Society, and president of the Statesboro Herald, was our speaker for the evening. He said he remembered giving a similar address to our society in 2004. His knowledge of Robert Burns and Scotland of his time in the 18th century is laudable and was well received.

Good cheer was had by all.

Watch and listen to the excellent Statesboro Herald video report by clicking here.